Feelings in the air

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Esra's heart raced as she threw her arms around Renov, holding him tightly as if she couldn't bear to let go.

Esra's heart raced as she threw her arms around Renov, holding him tightly as if she couldn't bear to let go

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Renov, caught off guard by her sudden embrace, gently asked if she was okay, concern etched on his face. Esra hesitated, her feelings for him swirling inside her, but she masked her emotions and played it off, asking casually where he had been for the past two days.

Renov's smile faltered slightly as he noticed the hidden depths in Esra's eyes, but he shook off his own concerns and teased her back, "Why are you so worried about me? I'm not Merin, after all." His laugh was warm, but underneath, he felt a pang of jealousy at the mention of Esra's crush.

Esra laughed nervously, trying to hide the intensity of her relief. "I thought maybe you had a speeding accident," she said lightly, trying to lighten the mood. Renov chuckled, his eyes softening as he reassured her, "No way that would happen, especially not with you on the front of my bike."

Their banter eased the tension between them, and Esra couldn't help but smile, her heart swelling with affection for Renov. "You're not Merin," she agreed softly, her voice tinged with warmth.

As they moved to the dining area, Esra gasped in surprise at the spread of dishes laid out before them

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As they moved to the dining area, Esra gasped in surprise at the spread of dishes laid out before them. "Is there a festival I didn't know about?" she asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Renov shook his head,

 his gaze never leaving hers

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his gaze never leaving hers. "No, just my culinary skills," he replied casually, but there was a hint of pride in his voice.

Esra couldn't stop the butterflies in her stomach as she watched Renov, her feelings for him bubbling up inside her. She wanted to tell him how much she cared, how much she had missed him. But instead, she kept her emotions hidden, afraid to ruin their easy camaraderie.

Renov sensed her hesitation and reached out, gently placing his hand on hers. "Esra," he began softly, his voice filled with tenderness. "Thank you for worrying about me. It means a lot."

Esra's heart skipped a beat at his words, and she looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise. Could it be that Renov felt the same way too?

Their eyes locked, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Esra felt a rush of emotions—love, longing, hope—all swirling inside her. She wanted to lean in, to close the gap between them, to tell him everything she felt.

But just as quickly as the moment had come, it passed. Renov withdrew his hand, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Let's eat," he said gently, breaking the spell

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"Let's eat," he said gently, breaking the spell.

"Let's eat," he said gently, breaking the spell

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Esra nodded silently, her heart still racing. She couldn't help but wonder what might have been, if only she had been brave enough to speak her truth.

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