"Shadows of the Past: A Father's Confession, a Son's Love"

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Early morning at 5 am, the sun still hadn't risen. Renov, wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans, was already up, his face marked with the exhaustion of a sleepless night.

"Let's go, Dad," Renov said, his voice steady despite his tired appearance.

Kevin sat in the front seat, glancing at his son. "Why do you look so tired, Renov? Are you okay?"

Renov forced a smile. "Yes, Dad, I'm fine. No need to worry about me."

"If you're not okay, we have drivers who can take us to the destination," Kevin offered.

"No, Dad, I don't want anyone to see you breaking down like this." Holding Kevin's hands, Renov's voice softened with concern.

The entire night, Renov had been setting up messages to send to Esra every hour for the next three days. His thoughts were consumed by her and his father, leaving no room for sleep.

As they drove, Kevin rested with his eyes closed, trusting his son's driving skills. Renov, a passionate car racer, felt a rare moment of calm seeing his father sleep peacefully. He drove through Esra's neighborhood, slowing down to glimpse her window before continuing to their destination.

Upon arrival, Renov gently woke his father. "Dad, we’ve reached. Can we go inside?"

Kevin blinked in surprise. "Already? Sorry, Son, I haven't been good company."

Renov smiled. "That's fine, Dad. Let's go." He helped his father out of the car and into the house.

Inside, Kevin's eyes filled with memories as he saw the familiar surroundings. "Wow, Mom looks beautiful. Dad, you have good eyes for beauty. You’re lucky," Renov commented, looking at an old photo of his mother.

"Of course, she’s beautiful. And I got you. You got your looks from her. That’s what kept me going all these years," Kevin replied, pride and sadness mingling in his voice.

Kevin pointed to a family picture. "He was my best friend. Losing him was a nightmare. I lost my family and my right hand that day," he said, tears forming as he touched the photograph.

Renov wandered into a bedroom filled with pink walls and white curtains. The girlish decor made it clear it was a young girl’s room. He sat on the bed, feeling the weight of emotions.

"This was my friend's daughter’s room," Kevin said, holding a childhood photo of Esra.

Recognizing the picture from Esra's current room, Renov asked, "Are you sure about this picture?"

Kevin nodded. "Yes, she’s the only daughter of my best friend. You two used to play together when you were seven."

Renov's heart sank. "Did she die in the accident, Dad?"

"No, she’s alive, but she thought I killed her parents and left. She said she hated me and didn’t want to see me again. I’ve been searching for her for 13 years," Kevin explained, his voice breaking. "I’ve done many unforgivable things. I’m sorry, my son. I’m a bad father."

Renov struggled to contain his emotions. The man who raised him and never let him down was now confessing his darkest sins. And Esra, the girl he loved deeply, was tied to this tragedy. How could he ever face her with this truth?

"Tell me one thing, Dad. What’s her name?" Renov asked, his voice trembling.

"Esra Gurel," Kevin replied.

Renov’s eyes filled with tears. He fought to keep his emotions in check, his heart aching with the thought of losing her. He couldn’t bear to break her heart with the truth about his father.

"Dad, everything is over. We can’t change the past. Please, take some rest," Renov said, turning away to hide his tears. He left the room, tears streaming down his face. Alone in his room, he broke down, sobbing silently. His mind raced with thoughts of Esra and how to face her.

As he wept, his phone buzzed with a message from Esra. "Morning, handsome! Missed you. Can’t wait to see you." Her playful words were a stark contrast to his turmoil, twisting the knife deeper into his heart.

Renov replied, trying to mask his pain with flirty words. "Can’t wait to see you either, gorgeous. I’ve got a surprise for you. Prepare to be dazzled."

He knew he had to see her, even if it meant hiding the truth for a little longer. The love he felt for her was too strong, and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her. He glanced at the old photo of Esra, her innocent smile piercing through his guilt. Holding his phone tightly, Renov resolved to make the most of the time he had, even as the weight of his father's past pressed down on his shoulders.

Standing by the window, Renov watched the first light of dawn break through, the day promising both hope and heartache. His emotions churned inside him, a turbulent mix of love, fear, and sorrow. He whispered to himself, "I just need to hold on a little longer."


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