**Chapter Title: The Unveiling of Secrets**

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Renov stood in front of his father's door, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. The weight of uncertainty and grief hung heavy upon him, but the need to know the truth compelled him forward. He took a deep breath, steadying himself before he finally knocked.

"Can I come inside, dad?" Renov's voice was hesitant, filled with a mixture of fear and determination.

Kevin's voice, warm yet tinged with sadness, replied, "Yes, my son, come inside. Are you okay? At this hour, what do you want to talk about?"

Renov entered slowly, struggling to find the right words. "Why are you still up, dad?"

Kevin looked at his son, a mix of nostalgia and pain in his eyes. "I was remembering the golden days of our family. It brought everything flooding back."

Renov's heart pounded as he gathered the courage to ask, "What did you remember, dad?"

Kevin hesitated, his voice faltering slightly as he recounted, "It was a rainy day. I was stuck in heavy traffic, and your mother was with me. Our best friend's family was coming to our house. I told her to go with them."

Renov's eyes widened as the truth slowly unraveled. "While crossing the bridge, the car suddenly broke down and crashed off the bridge."

Tears welled up in Renov's eyes, his heart aching with the pain of the revelation. "So, you're telling me that you weren't involved in any accident?"

Kevin nodded, his own eyes brimming with tears. "Yes, I didn't cause the accident. I regretted sending them away."

Renov's voice trembled as he asked, "Are you sure, dad?"

Kevin met his son's gaze, his voice filled with conviction. "Yes, I am."

Renov's shoulders slumped in relief, mixed with the weight of the truth finally revealed. Emotions churned within him - grief for his lost loved ones, relief for his father's innocence, and gratitude that he could finally understand the events that had haunted him for so long.

"Thank you, dad," Renov whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of emotions. He turned and left his father's room, feeling a sense of closure wash over him, yet knowing that the pain of loss would always linger.

A text beep came from his mobile. Renov unlocked the screen to find a message from Esra. His heart skipped a beat as he read her words:

"I miss you, Renov. Without your presence, the world feels empty. Your smile lights up my whole world. I don't want to ask you to come fast, sorry, but I can't wait."

Renov's mind raced with conflicting emotions. He had been away , and being apart from Esra was the hardest part of it all. He missed her deeply, her laughter, her warmth, and the way she made even the most mundane moments feel special.

With a sigh, Renov typed out a reply:

"Esra, I miss you too. I'll try my best to finish up here quickly. I can't wait to see you again."

He hit send, hoping that his words conveyed just how much he longed to be back home. The days apart had been tough on both of them, but knowing that Esra felt the same way gave him some comfort.

As he went about his work for the rest of the day, Renov couldn't shake the thought of Esra out of his mind. Her message replayed in his head, reminding him of the strong bond they shared.

Later that evening, Renov received another text from Esra:

"I know it's hard, but I'm proud of you for working so hard. I'll be here waiting for you. Take care of yourself, Renov. I love you."

Renov smiled, feeling a surge of warmth and determination. He knew that he had to finish what he started, , for the future they dreamed of together.

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