Renewed hope 🤞

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Renov turned on his mobile and was immediately bombarded by hundreds of messages from Esra. Each notification was a question or a concern: "How are you doing?", "Where are you?", "Are you okay?" The sheer volume of her messages made it seem like his phone was about to explode. In that moment, all the sadness from yesterday vanished. He quickly dialed her number, and as soon as she picked up, he said, "Hello, princess."

Her voice was tense and anxious. "What's wrong with you? Why did you leave so quickly? Where have you been?"

Renov took a deep breath, steadying himself. "I wasn't feeling well, Esra. That's why I left."

"Wait, what? What happened to you? Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital?" Esra's concern was almost frantic.

"No, I'm fine," Renov reassured her gently. "Really, there's nothing to worry about."

Esra's voice softened slightly but remained worried.

Renov :"Okay, but tell me what you did yesterday. Did you have a good time with him? Is he treating you better?"

A pang of jealousy hit Renov, but he pushed it aside.

Esra: "I left after you did. I came for you, but you had  gone."

"You came for me?" he asked, his voice softening further, tinged with surprise. "But you said you were at the bookstore on call with merin 

"Yes," Esra explained, "Merin needed help with the sports project that's happening soon at the university. As the class head, I had to assist him."

"Oh," renov said, finally understanding. 

Esra:"I was so worried. I thought something terrible had happened. Promise me you're really okay?"

"I'm okay, Esra. I promise," he said, feeling a mix of relief and elation. "I'll come to pick you up. Don't go anywhere. I'll be there in minutes."

As he ended the call, Renov felt a surge of joy and anticipation. The fear that Esra might have feelings for Merin melted away. Now was the time to show her how he truly felt. He would find the perfect book, one that conveyed all the emotions he had kept bottled up inside. Clutching the book, he imagined handing it to her, seeing her reaction, and for the first time in days, he felt a spark of hope.

His happiness knew no bounds. He felt like he could wrap the entire world in his joy and make it a beautiful place. With newfound excitement, he started his bike, pushing the speed limit to reach her as soon as possible.

He was so happy and excited that there was nothing between her and Merin. He needed to confirm it once more with her, and then he could express his love without fear of hurting her expectations. He kissed the cover of the book he had chosen for her, his heart pounding with anticipation for what lay ahead.

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