Silent sorrows

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Renov sped home at 200 mph, driven by an overwhelming need to escape the world. His heart pounded as fast as the engine, the roar of the bike masking the turmoil within him. As soon as he arrived, he turned off his phone, desperate to avoid any disturbances. The silence that followed was deafening, a stark contrast to the storm raging in his mind. He stepped into the shower, where the water mingled with his tears, hot and unrelenting. His sobs were so intense it felt as though his eyes might bleed, yet he tried to suppress the pain, biting his lip until it nearly bled. Each droplet of water felt like a tiny dagger, piercing his skin as memories of her flooded his thoughts.

After his shower, he collapsed onto his bed, staring at the ceiling as if searching for answers. The room felt suffocating, closing in on him. His mind replayed every detail of the past, each memory like a ghost haunting him.

He remembered the first time he saw her. It was in a quaint bookstore, the kind of place where time seemed to stand still. Renov, who had studied abroad to prepare for taking over his father's business, held multiple degrees. Despite his many achievements, nothing had moved him like the sight of her. She was standing by a shelf, her fingers lightly grazing the spines of the books, a serene look on her face. His heart had skipped a beat, and in that moment, he was lost. From that day on, he learned her routines, knew everything she did. The bookstore and its collection were his, meticulously curated to cater to her tastes. He had even added her favorite novel specifically for her.

Renov was a secret magnate, owning multiple business schools. Esra had earned a place at one of them not solely due to her marks, but because he had ensured her acceptance with a scholarship. His heart had broken when he realized how much he wanted her to succeed, to be happy, even if it meant sacrificing his own peace. He had fallen for her completely when he saw her in a black dress, her hair cascading freely, paired with quirky bunny sneakers. Her unique style enchanted him, and he became obsessed with her from that day forward.

After Renov left, Esra reached home and texted him, her messages filled with concern. "Why were you speeding? Where did you go? Are you okay?" Her worry was palpable, but Renov's phone was off, leaving her messages unanswered. She stared at her phone, the screen dark and silent, mirroring her growing anxiety.

Lying in bed, thinking about her, time slipped away. The clock ticked past midnight, and as he drifted off to sleep, his last thought was a silent wish for her happiness and health. "I wanted to see you happy and healthy," he whispered into the darkness, his voice breaking. Tears streamed down his face, wetting his pillow. His heart ached with a longing that felt almost unbearable. He knew he would do anything to protect her, even if it meant keeping his love a secret forever.

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