*when i first saw you*

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Renov wakes up early in the morning, kisses Esra on her forehead, and quietly goes to the kitchen to cook her favorite dish.

He lets her sleep a little longer while he prepares the meal, carefully placing each dish on the dining table once he's finished. With everything ready, he goes back to the bedroom.

Esra is still sleeping soundly. Renov gently whispers, "Esra, wake up. I made your favorite cheesecake. Wake up, my love."

Esra slowly opens her eyes and smiles, hugging Renov tightly. He holds her close, then lifts her up and carries her to the bathroom, where they start brushing their teeth together, splashing each other playfully with water.

"Do you have any problem if I stay while you take a bath?" Renov asks with a teasing grin.

Esra laughs. "Yes, of course!"

Renov leaves the bathroom to give her privacy and sits on the couch, checking his phone. He notices missed calls from his dad and calls him back.

"How are you, son? Where have you been? Are you still with your special person?" Kevin jokes cheerfully.

"Yes, Dad, I'm with her. She hasn't been well for the past few days, so I've been taking care of her. But she's fine now. I'll come back in a few hours, maybe two or three."

"That's fine. Come, let's talk then."

"See you, Dad. Take care."

Esra emerges from the bathroom, wearing the same black dress and baby shoes that had captivated Renov when he first saw her in the bookstore.

"Do you know when I saw you for the first time?" Renov asks, his eyes sparkling.

"In college?" Esra guesses.

Renov shakes his head, smiling as he walks over to her. He lifts her up and sets her gently on the table, then pulls a chair close and rests his head on her lap, gazing up into her eyes.

"I saw you for the first time in our bookstore. I was there looking for a book, and I saw you smiling and talking with your friend, wearing the same outfit you have on today. Your smile was incredible, and it gave me so much happiness. I fell for you right then and there."

Esra strokes his hair tenderly. "I remember that day. I noticed you too, but I was too shy to say anything."

Renov smiles warmly. "I'm glad I finally worked up the courage to talk to you. You've made my life so much better."

Esra leans down and kisses his forehead. "And you've made mine better too."

They sit there for a moment, enjoying the quiet intimacy of the morning. Finally, Renov stands and offers his hand to Esra.

"Come on, let's have breakfast. I made your favorite cheesecake, remember?"

Esra takes his hand and they walk to the dining table together, ready to share a meal and cherish the love that had grown between them from that first magical moment in the bookstore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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