"Timeless Love: Renov and Esra's Journey"

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Still one day left to see Esra. Renov, done with all his work, found himself thinking about her and counting the hours on his watch. The seconds seemed to drag, each tick slower than the last. "Why is time passing so slowly?" he wondered aloud, frustration building in his chest. "I have to wait a few more hours to see her."

He couldn't help but reflect on the past, wondering what might have been if that accident hadn't happened. "Esra could have been so happy," he mused. "I could have been with her all the time since childhood. She's so lovable. Maybe I've loved her since I was a child." A shy smile crept onto his face, his cheeks tinged with a blush. "I was dumb, I guess, when I was a kid."

Glancing at his watch, a vintage piece with a shining gold plate, he was surprised to see that only an hour had passed. "Wait, are you for real?" he questioned the watch, as if it could answer him. "Why aren't you moving? Are you working or not? Please, can you be faster?" He talked to the watch like it could understand his impatience.

He tried to stop thinking about Esra, but it was impossible. He stared at the watch again—only a minute had passed. He knew the watch was working perfectly fine, but his love was anything but fine. The need to see her was overwhelming.

Desperate, he dashed to the hall and checked the clock. Both times were the same. "Oh, it's working fine," he sighed, disappointed. 

Just then, his father's driver arrived. "Hi sir, how are you?" the driver greeted.

Renov replied, "Yeah, I'm good. What about you?"

Driver: "I'm fine, sir. I came to see how our sir is doing."

Renov: "You can talk to him; he's in his room."

Driver: "Okay, sir. Thank you."

Renov retreated to his room, thinking about how to pass the time. Suddenly, an idea struck him. "Wait, the driver is here. He can drive Father, and I can leave now. I just need to check how Father's doing. If he's fine, I can go see Esra."

He went to his father's room and knocked gently.

"Yes, come in," Kevin said.

"How are you feeling, Dad?" Renov asked.

"Much better compared to other days," Kevin replied.

"Okay, Dad. I need to meet someone important. Can I go now? Anyway, the driver is here if you need anything, or I can come back as soon as possible."

Kevin smiled knowingly. "I'm fine, Renov. No worries. You can meet your... friend. Is this important person a girl?"

Renov's cheeks turned crimson, his eyes filled with love. He couldn't hide his feelings.

Kevin chuckled. "Anyone can tell by the way you're blushing. She must be a special girl. All the best."

"Thank you, Dad." Renov's heart raced as he left the room, barely able to contain his excitement. He sprinted towards his car, his mind filled with thoughts of Esra.

As he drove, the memories of their moments together flooded his mind. The way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, the softness of her voice, and the warmth of her smile. He recalled their first meeting after the accident, the awkward but sweet conversations, the way she made his heart race just by being near. 

He pulled up to her house, heart pounding. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on her door. When she opened it, her eyes lit up, and his world felt complete.

"Renov! I wasn't expecting you so soon," Esra said, a hint of surprise in her voice.

"I couldn't wait any longer," he admitted, his voice trembling with emotion. "Every second without you felt like an eternity."

She blushed, her eyes softening. "I missed you too."

They stood there for a moment, lost in each other's gaze. Finally, Renov stepped forward, closing the distance between them. "Esra, there's something I need to tell you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

She looked at him expectantly. "What is it?"

"I think I've loved you since we met ," he confessed, his heart on his sleeve. "I was just too dumb to realize it."

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she smiled. "Renov, I've loved you too. I always have."

He took her hand, pulling her into a tender embrace. "I promise, I'll never let you go again."

In that moment, time stood still, and all the waiting was worth it. They were together, and nothing else mattered.

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