Renov and Esra's little secret

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Renov and Esra walked hand in hand down to the bike. Renov, without an extra ordinary helmet, hesitated, "Keep it. I've never been in any relationship, and I have no friends either, so there's no need for an extra. But for you, I want to give everything I have. You're the only one who came to my life," he said, his voice tinged with longing.

Esra's cheeks turned crimson, and she blushed, "Oh my, we're getting late Renov, shall we go now? We have to reach on time," she said, trying to hide her own feelings.

"No, it's not possible. I can't," Renov said softly.

"Why? You got here in two minutes. Why can't you reach less distance faster?" Esra asked curiously.

Renov replied, "I was alone, but now you're riding with me. I don't want to take risks when I'm with you."

Esra was convinced with his answer, "Okay, let me tell you one thing, for now, let's focus on our studies. Can we not tell anyone about this? You know it's too much for us to handle."

"Fine, Esra, but you know I'm proud to be your boyfriend. There's nothing I want to hide. As long as you're with me, I can bear everything. Trust me,while they're riding the bike." Renov replied.

Renov and Esra reached college, and he dropped her off in front of their class because he didn't want to let her go alone. He was madly in love with her, so he patiently waited for her to enter the class, even though he was getting late.

He felt like the entire world was apart, but for him, her happiness was everything. For him, she was his whole world.

As Esra entered the class, she glanced back at Renov and gave him a shy smile. Renov smiled back, feeling a rush of warmth spread through him. He couldn't believe how quickly Esra had come into his life and turned everything upside down in the most wonderful way.

Throughout the day, Renov couldn't help but think about Esra and staring at her. He found himself daydreaming about their moments together, her laughter ringing in his ears. Whenever he glanced at his phone, hoping for a message from her, his heart raced.

During lunch break, Renov found himself happy.  He couldn't resist the urge to hold her hand under the table. "You know, Esra," he said softly, "I've never felt this way about anyone before. Being with you feels like a dream."

Esra blushed and looked down, a smile tugging at her lips. "Renov, you're sweet," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I feel the same way. You've brought so much happiness into my life."

Renov gently lifted her chin, his eyes searching hers. "Esra, I don't want to hide how I feel about you. You're special to me, and I want everyone to know that you're mine."

Esra's heart fluttered, and she leaned in closer to Renov. "I'm proud to be yours, too," she admitted. "But let's keep it our little secret for now. I want to savor this moment, just the two of us."

Renov nodded, understanding her desire for privacy. "Alright, Esra. As long as I have you by my side, I'm the happiest man alive."

They spent the rest of the lunch break lost in each other's company, sharing stories, dreams, and laughter. Renov couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Esra in his life. She was everything he had ever wanted and more.

After lunch, Renov walked Esra to class, holding her hand tightly. He didn't want to let her go, but he knew they would see each other again soon. As Esra disappeared into the classroom, Renov couldn't stop smiling,so he's waiting outside to hide his smile and  while entering into the class he forgot the whole class and staring at her.He knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as he had Esra, everything would be alright.

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