**Anticipation at the Bookstore**

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Renov reached home, feeling a whirlwind of emotions. After taking a refreshing shower, he began to plan the perfect way to propose to Esra. The uncertainty gnawed at him—what if she valued their friendship too much to risk it? He pondered for hours, battling his hesitation. Finally, he decided he would propose to her in the evening at the bookstore after college.

As the early morning sun peeked through the curtains, Esra was getting ready for college. She picked up her phone and called Renov to make sure he was coming. Renov answered in his usual flirty tone, "Hello, Renov speaking, always reachable for my princess." Esra's heart skipped a beat, and she muted her call, blushing. She was deeply in love with him, but she was determined to keep it a secret, at least for now. Unmuting the call, she tried to sound casual, "Sorry, there was a signal issue on my end. Are you coming to college today?"

Renov, dressed in a suit ,

Renov, dressed in a suit ,

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looked dashing and formal. His excitement was palpable as he prepared for the day ahead. On his way to college, he made a stop at the bookstore to pick up her favorite book collection. He had gone to great lengths, paying a special fare to get an original copy from the author before its official release. Not only that, but he also secured all the rights to the story. He wanted it to be a unique gift, something that no one else could give her. He wrapped the book in a heart-shaped greeting card that read, "I don't wanna get old, but with you, I can accept grey hair."

Throughout the day, Renov's anticipation grew

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Throughout the day, Renov's anticipation grew. He rehearsed his lines over and over, wanting everything to be perfect. He imagined her reaction, the way her eyes would light up, the blush that would spread across her cheeks. He could hardly contain his emotions.

When the day finally ended, Renov found himself standing outside the bookstore, heart pounding. He took a deep breath and stepped inside,

 He took a deep breath and stepped inside,

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