madly in love

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Renov hesitates a little inside but doesn’t want to hurt her by sharing about his status and wealth. "Okay, wait for the right moment," he mutters to himself, pushing away the worry gnawing at him.

Esra leaves for home, her parting words echoing in his mind. "Don't speed," she had urged, her eyes soft and concerned. Renov loves the thrill of riding fast, the roar of his sports bike beneath him, the wind whipping past. He's a rider who actively participates in races, yet he listens to her words. Normally, he would reach home in minutes, but tonight he takes his time, stretching the journey to a full ten minutes.

As the hot water cascades over him in the shower, his mind drifts to Esra. He thinks about asking her to meet tonight but hesitates, unsure how she would react to a nighttime rendezvous. All he wants is to see her, hold her hand, and share his feelings. But he worries he might be making things difficult for her. Lost in his thoughts, his phone buzzes, snapping him back to reality. It’s a text from Esra: "Can we meet at the bookstore?"

His heart leaps. Over the moon, he quickly types back, "I would love to."

"And I have a surprise for you," he adds, his fingers trembling with excitement.

Esra responds almost immediately. "Surprise for me? What kind of surprise? I can't wait, let's meet."

"Give me 10 minutes, I'll be there," Renov replies.

"10 minutes? That's like an eternity for me," comes her reply, and he can almost hear the teasing lilt in her voice.

He chuckles, imagining her playful smile. "Haha, but you told me not to drive fast, princess. Can I gear up? I'll be there in seconds."

Her answer is swift and heartfelt. "No, I can wait eternities for you."

Renov's heart swells. She has no idea how much he treasures her. He rushes to get ready, eager to present her with the customized book he’s made for her. It's filled with little notes, memories, and dreams they’ve shared—a testament to how closely he pays attention to her every detail.

Arriving at the bookstore, he spots her instantly. Her eyes light up when she sees him, and she rushes over, unable to hide her excitement. "Renov!"

"Esra," he breathes, pulling her into a warm hug. For a moment, they stand there, wrapped in each other's arms, the world around them fading away.

"You mentioned a surprise?" she asks, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Yes," he says, pulling out the book from his bag. "This is for you."

Her eyes widen in surprise. "A book?"

"Not just any book," he smiles, handing it to her. "Open it."

As she flips through the pages, her eyes well up with tears. "You did all this... for me?"

"Every bit," he whispers, gently wiping away a tear from her cheek. "Because you mean everything to me."

She looks up at him, emotions swirling in her eyes. "Renov, I don't know what to say."

"Just say you feel the same way," he murmurs, leaning in closer.

Esra's heart pounds in her chest as she gazes into his eyes. "I do," she whispers back, closing the distance between them.

As their lips meet in a tender kiss, Renov feels like he’s finally found his home. The bookstore, with its warm lighting and shelves filled with stories, seems to embrace them in a moment of perfect bliss. But even in this moment of joy, Renov knows there are truths he has yet to share. His wealth, his status—it’s a part of him he’s hidden to protect her. Yet, as they pull apart and he looks into her eyes, he vows to himself that he will tell her everything. Just not tonight.

Tonight is for them, for their newfound connection, and for the dreams they’re starting to weave together. And as he holds her close, Renov realizes that for the first time in a long while, he’s not afraid of what the future holds. With Esra by his side, he feels ready to face whatever comes their way.

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