heart beats and promises ❣️

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Renov reached her place, driving as fast as he could within the speed limit, his heart pounding in his chest. He sprinted to her door, breathless like she's leaving the country. He stopped, gathering himself, wanting to express just how deeply he loved her and how desperately he wanted her to stay in his life. Taking a deep breath, he adjusted his hair and knocked on the door, calling her name with a voice brimming with love and obsession.

On the other side of the door, Esra stood, her happiness inexpressible. She knew he had come for her, and now all she could think about was him. The only barrier between them was the door, but for their love, it was their own emotions, unspoken due to their friendship. Esra’s heart raced, too shy to face Renov after their phone conversation. She steeled herself, trying to hide her emotions, and opened the door.

Esra, standing at 5'2", looked up to see Renov, who was 6'2". She raised her head, meeting his gaze.

Renov looked at her, his eyes filled with an intensity of love that seemed to spill over, showering her with the unspoken words of his heart. "Let's go, Esra," he said, his voice husky with emotion.

Esra, trying to maintain her composure, asked, "Are we going on your bike now?"

Renov, a slight smirk playing on his lips, replied, "Don't you want to come on my bike? Are you not okay with that?"

"No, I’m fine. I was just asking about the way we'll commute," Esra said, her voice barely concealing the turmoil inside her.

Renov’s eyes softened, and with a voice full of pride and tenderness, he said, "Even if I die while riding, I’ll never let you get a single scratch. I'd die before letting anything happen to you."

Esra’s heart felt like it would explode at his words. She struggled to find a response, fighting a battle between her brain and her heart. She took a step closer, her eyes searching his. "Renov," she whispered, "Why are you doing this?"

He took her hand gently, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "Because I can't imagine a life without you, Esra. You've always been more than just a friend to me."

Her breath hitched, tears welling up in her eyes. "But what about our friendship? What if we lose that?"

Renov pulled her closer, his voice a tender caress. "We'll build something even stronger. I don't want to be just your friend anymore, Esra. I want to be the one who holds you, who loves you, who stands by you always."

Esra’s emotions swirled, and she could no longer hold back. She leaned in, her lips trembling as they brushed against his. "I love you, Renov," she finally confessed, her voice breaking.

Renov’s arms wrapped around her, pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them, finally united in their love. When they finally broke apart, breathless, Renov whispered against her lips, "Let’s go, Esra. We have a life to live, together."

With hearts entwined and barriers broken, they left, ready to face whatever the world had in store for them, as long as they were together.

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