"Unwavering Devotion: Renov's Selfless Love for Esra"

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Slowly, Esra starts sneezing continuously. Renov holds her gently and whispers, "Wait for me. I'll cook something hot to help you recover." He rises from the bed with tender care and slowly walks to the kitchen.

Renov has never cooked porridge before, but his determination to help Esra drives him. He opens YouTube, watching videos intently, doing his best to make the perfect porridge for her. Despite his inexperience, he follows the instructions with meticulous care, his thoughts consumed by her well-being. When the porridge is ready, he accidentally burns his fingers while holding the hot pot. Ignoring the pain, he carefully carries the bowl to her, his only concern being that she eats it while it's warm.

He gently wakes her and helps her sit up, cradling her in his lap. With each spoonful, he blows on the porridge to cool it, feeding her with the same patience and affection a mother shows her child. His eyes never leave hers, filled with a love so deep it transcends words.

After a few spoonfuls, Esra protests softly, "I don't want to eat anymore."

Renov's voice is tender yet firm, "Please, just a little more. I can't bear to see you sick. It makes my heart ache."

Reluctantly, she takes a few more bites, moved by his concern. When she's finished, he tucks her back into bed, wrapping her in a thick blanket. He stays by her side, watching over her, his eyes filled with worry and love. Even as exhaustion pulls at him, he refuses to leave her.

At 4 a.m., just as he begins to doze off, Esra sneezes violently. Renov is instantly alert, feeling her forehead and finding it burning with fever. He can't leave her alone to get medicine, so he opens his contacts and calls a doctor. It's 4:20 a.m., and the world is asleep, but not Renov.

Renov’s father is a powerful man, owning many businesses and schools, including a medical college. Renov uses this connection to call the university, demanding a specialist and a team of doctors and nurses. His voice is urgent and authoritative, "I don't care if the world is asleep. My princess needs help. Be here by 4:30."

He calls the receptionist again, insisting they come without sounding the horn or knocking on the door to avoid waking Esra. By 4:30, an ambulance arrives with three doctors and two nurses. They enter the house silently, as if they were thieves, careful not to disturb Esra.

The doctors greet Renov, their faces showing signs of interrupted sleep. "Sir, can you please turn on the light?" one of them asks.

"No," Renov replies softly. "She's sleeping. Use your phone torches."

The doctors examine Esra by the light of their phones, their faces illuminated by the soft glow. After a thorough check, the lead doctor assures Renov, "Sir, it's just a fever. She needs rest and medication, and she'll be fine."

Relief floods Renov’s face, but his concern doesn't wane. "Do you have any urgent cases at the hospital?" he asks.

"No, sir," the doctor replies.

"This is a special case. Stay here until she recovers," Renov insists.

The doctors are surprised but agree, understanding the depth of his worry. Renov arranges for them to sleep in the hall and the spare bedroom, promising to call if needed.

Renov stays by Esra's side throughout the night, his heart breaking to see her in pain. As dawn breaks, he wakes the doctors to check on her again. He enlists the nurses to help him prepare a meal rich in vitamins and nutrients, determined to do everything he can for her recovery.

As dawn's first light begins to peek through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room, Renov feels the weight of exhaustion settle over him. Yet, his love and concern for Esra keep him alert. He quietly steps out of the room, giving her a moment of rest while he heads to the kitchen with the nurses.

In the kitchen, Renov's determination shines through his tired eyes. He carefully listens to the nurses as they guide him in preparing a meal that's both nutritious and comforting for Esra. They chop vegetables and prepare ingredients under his watchful eye, ensuring everything is perfect. Renov himself takes the lead, his hands moving with an unexpected grace, driven by his desire to see Esra well again.

While the soup simmers, filling the kitchen with a warm, inviting aroma, Renov slips back into the bedroom. He gently checks Esra’s forehead again, relieved to feel a slight decrease in temperature. He smooths back her hair, his touch feather-light, and whispers, "Hang in there, my love. I'm here with you."

Esra stirs, her eyes fluttering open. She offers a weak smile, her gratitude and love for Renov clear in her gaze. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice hoarse but filled with emotion.

"Anything for you," Renov replies softly, his heart swelling with tenderness. "I’m making some soup. It'll help you feel better."

The nurses soon bring in the steaming bowl of soup, and Renov helps Esra sit up, supporting her with gentle hands. He feeds her carefully, blowing on each spoonful to cool it down, his movements slow and deliberate. Each bite she takes seems to ease a bit of the worry etched on his face.

As she eats, Esra feels a wave of warmth not just from the soup but from Renov’s unwavering care. She realizes how deeply he loves her, how far he would go to ensure her comfort and health. When she finishes, Renov tucks her back into bed, pulling the blanket up to her chin and planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"You should rest now," he murmurs. "I’ll be right here."

He settles into a chair beside the bed, his hand gently holding hers. The doctors and nurses watch from a respectful distance, touched by the depth of Renov’s devotion. They see now that this isn't just about medical care—it's about love and the lengths one will go to protect those they cherish.

Hours pass, and though the sun rises fully, casting a bright, new light on the day, Renov’s vigilance doesn’t waver. He stays by Esra’s side, speaking to her in soothing tones, telling her stories and reminiscing about happy times to keep her spirits up. He periodically checks with the doctors, ensuring they're ready for any need that might arise.

Throughout the day, Esra’s condition slowly improves. Her fever breaks, and she begins to regain some strength. Renov’s relief is palpable, a weight lifting off his shoulders. By evening, Esra is able to sit up on her own, her color returning and her eyes brighter.

Seeing her improvement, Renov finally allows himself a moment to breathe. He sits beside her, holding her hand, and whispers, "You’re getting better. I knew you would. I’ll always be here to take care of you."

Esra squeezes his hand, her eyes filling with tears of gratitude. "I don’t know what I’d do without you," she says softly.

"You’ll never have to find out," Renov replies, his voice filled with unwavering love. "As long as I’m here, I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe and happy."

As night falls again, Renov finally lets himself rest, his heart at ease now that Esra is on the mend. They drift off to sleep hand in hand, surrounded by a profound sense of peace and an unbreakable bond of love and support

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