"Whispers in the Night"

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Renov drops Esra off at home and says, "Bye," giving her a warm hug that lingers just a bit longer than usual. He can't help but hold on a moment longer, feeling the warmth of her body and inhaling the scent of her hair.

Esra reluctantly leaves, her steps slow and backward as she walks toward her bedroom, trying to savor every second she can still see him. Her heart flutters every time he waves or smiles. She finally reaches her door and slips inside, her eyes never leaving him until the last possible moment.

Once inside, she stands in front of her window, watching him with pure, unguarded love. Her heart swells, and she can't help but smile, even though he can't see her anymore. Suddenly, her phone buzzes with a text: *I hope you reached inside safely.*

She replies, *Yes, thank you for the safe ride.*

Renov: *Ok, can I go now?*

Esra: *Wait, what? Are you still here? What are you doing?* (Feigning ignorance while her heart races at the thought of him still being there.)

Renov: *Ok, stop staring at me, Esra. It makes my heart race. I can't leave if you're still standing and staring at me like this. I could wait my whole life here.*

Blushing furiously, Esra hides behind the curtain, feeling a mix of embarrassment and deep affection. She can't believe he knew she was watching him the whole time.

Renov: *Princess, you don't have to hide. I'm happy that you love me more than I ever imagined.*

Esra's heart skips a beat at the endearment. She peeks out from behind the curtain, her cheeks flushed. *I just can't help it,* she types back, *I miss you already.*

Renov smiles at her response, his heart swelling with love. But then his phone rings. It's his father, Kevin. Surprised, he answers and puts it on speaker, quickly texting Esra: *I'm leaving, Princess. Have a good sleep. Text me if you need anything.*

Kevin: *Renov, can you come home as soon as possible?*

Renov: *I'm coming, Dad.*

Not wanting to speed but eager to get home, Renov drives carefully yet swiftly. Within ten minutes, he's rushing through the door, finding his father in the living room, looking distressed.

"Dad, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Kevin's eyes are filled with tears. "I remembered everything, Renov. How I lost your mother and my friend's family. It was supposed to be a celebration, but the accident... I lost everyone. I am so sorry, my son." His voice breaks, and he sobs uncontrollably.

Renov's heart breaks seeing his father like this. He hugs him tightly, trying to offer comfort. "Dad, it wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known what would happen. You've carried this burden alone for so long. Now that you remember, let's cherish those happy memories together."

Kevin nods, tears still streaming down his face. "Can you come with me, my son? Can we go to our old house? I need to see it again."

"Yes, Dad. We'll go in the morning. Try to get some rest now. Everything will be okay."

Kevin closes his eyes, still holding Renov's hand. Renov waits patiently until his father falls asleep. As the clock ticks past midnight, Renov gently frees his hand, careful not to wake him. His mind is racing with thoughts and emotions, but one thought stands out: Esra.

He doesn't want to disturb Esra with his troubles, but he can't leave without seeing her one last time. He hesitates, worrying the bike might wake her, so he takes his car instead. Parking quietly near her window, he texts her: *I'm going to our old home with my dad. I won't be at school for three days. Please take care of yourself. I'll explain everything when I come back.* He sets the message to send in the morning.

But he can't resist. He steps out of the car, climbs onto the roof, and gazes into her room. There she is, sleeping peacefully, and his heart aches with love. He knows he'll miss her terribly.

"Sleep well, my love," he whispers into the night, committing the sight of her to memory before reluctantly driving away. But halfway down the street, he stops. The urge to see her one last time is too strong. He turns the car around and drives back, parking quietly again.

He gets out and, this time, he can't resist walking up to her window

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He gets out and, this time, he can't resist walking up to her window. He stands on the hood of his car, just enough to peek into her room. The moonlight bathes her face in a soft glow, making her look like an angel. He watches her breathe, each rise and fall of her chest filling him with a longing that hurts.

"I love you, Esra," he whispers, knowing she can't hear him but hoping somehow she can feel his love. "I'll be back soon. I promise."

Satisfied that he has one more memory to hold onto, he finally drives away, his heart heavy but full of love. He knows the next few days will be difficult, but the thought of Esra waiting for him gives him the strength to face whatever comes.

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