A promise in the Rain

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After the dance in the rain, Esra and Renov start running towards home, playing a game of who reaches there first. 

You know, when we are in love with the right person, we forget about our age and our behavior becomes completely different—like that of a child. 

Just like our Esra and Renov. ✨

They laugh and run towards home happily. Renov could easily beat her, but he doesn't want to. He knows that if he wins, Esra will be happy, but if she wins, he gets to see that billion-dollar smile on her face.

So, he happily loses the run, letting her win, and watches as she joyfully reaches the house first. 

She starts making fun of him, "Having big legs isn’t enough to win a race with me!" she says, laughing and dancing in a funny way to tease him. Renov just laughs, adoring her childish behavior and soaking in her love.

He walks over to her, holds her hips, and lifts her effortlessly, placing her on the table. He stares into her eyes, their faces inches apart, and the world around them fades away. "Tell me, where’s your wardrobe? I'll bring you some warm clothes," he whispers, his voice soft and caring.

Esra pouts playfully. "I'm perfectly strong. I’m not cold; I don’t need any warm clothes," she declares proudly.

Renov steps closer, their breaths mingling, creating a magnetic pull between them. Just as their lips are about to touch, Esra suddenly sneezes on him.

Renov chuckles, wiping his face with his sleeve. "What happened to my strongest princess?" he teases, his eyes full of concern and amusement. He doesn’t feel weird or ashamed; all he cares about is her health.

Esra giggles, slightly embarrassed but mostly amused. "Okay, maybe a little cold," she admits, her cheeks flushing.

Renov grins, wrapping his arms around her. "I knew it," he says softly. He gently lifts her off the table and carries her towards the bedroom, determined to take care of her.

Inside, he finds a warm blanket and wraps it around her. "Better?" he asks, his eyes searching hers for any sign of discomfort.

She nods, her smile returning. "Much better," she whispers, leaning into his embrace. 

They sit by the fireplace, the warmth surrounding them. Renov pulls her closer, brushing a strand of wet hair away from her face. "You know, I'd lose a thousand races just to see you happy," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion.

Esra looks up at him, her heart swelling with love. "And I'd run a thousand races just to be in your arms," she replies, her voice just as soft.

Their eyes lock, and this time, there’s no interruption. Their lips meet in a tender kiss, sealing their love and promise to each other. The rain continues to pour outside, but inside, they are wrapped in each other's warmth, their love burning brighter than ever.

As the kiss deepens, Renov's hand caresses her cheek, sending shivers down her spine. "You drive me crazy, you know that?" he whispers against her lips, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Esra giggles, playfully biting her lower lip. "Is that a bad thing?" she teases, her voice sultry.

"Not at all," Renov replies, his voice husky. "It's the best kind of madness."

They sit there for a while, simply enjoying the closeness. Eventually, Esra nestles her head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "Renov," she begins softly, "do you ever think about our future?"

Renov tightens his hold on her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Every day," he admits. "I dream of a life where every moment is filled with your laughter, your love. I want to build a home with you, create memories that will last a lifetime."

Esra feels tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. "I want that too," she whispers. "I want a future where we can face anything together, where we can grow old side by side."

Renov tilts her chin up, looking deep into her eyes. "Then let's make that future," he says firmly. "No matter what comes our way, we’ll face it together."

Esra nods, feeling a surge of determination. "Together," she echoes, sealing the promise with another kiss.

The night continues with them wrapped in each other's arms, sharing dreams, hopes, and silent vows of forever. The rain outside is a mere background melody to their symphony of love.

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