A Heartbeat Away

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Renov waited for hours, his heart pounding with anticipation. Finally, Esra walked in, her presence lighting up the room like the first rays of dawn. Renov's heart soared, his eyes sparkling with the brilliance of a thousand stars. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her, how he would wrap the entire world in a ribbon if it meant making her happy.

Esra waved at him, and he waved back, his smile wide and genuine. Words of love danced on the tip of his tongue, but his nerves got the better of him. "I... I have something to tell you," he stammered, but his voice faltered.

Esra looked confused. "I'll just grab a book and come back," she said, heading to the shelves.

As she browsed, Renov scolded himself under his breath. "You can't do this. Come on, just tell her. It's hard to act cool when you're hiding this much love. Do it!"

Esra returned and sat across from him. "Esra, I want to talk to you. Can I have your attention?" he asked, his voice trembling.

She sighed, her eyes on the book. "No, I'm reading. We'll talk later."

"But it's important," Renov insisted, his voice breaking slightly.

Esra put her book down, looking at him curiously. "Okay, you have my complete attention. Tell me."

Renov took a deep breath, his heart pounding louder than ever. "Esra, I know we haven't spent much time together, but..." His words were cut short by the ringing of Esra's phone. She answered it quickly.

"Hi, Merin. Yeah, I'm already at the bookstore, waiting for you."

Renov's heart sank. She was here for Merin, not him. Esra turned back to him, her eyes gentle. "Continue with what you were saying."

Renov forced a smile. "I'm just... enjoying your presence in my life. I'm thankful for your friendship."

Deep inside, he wanted to scream his love for her, but he stayed silent, tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't want to leave her alone, so he stayed, silently praying for the courage he lacked.

Moments later, Merin arrived. "Can we sit here?" he asked, his voice breaking Renov's heart even more.

Renov stood up abruptly. "I'm going. I have work," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Esra looked at him, her eyes softening. "Okay. Take care on your way."

Renov started his bike aggressively, speeding away at 200, the wind drying the tears on his face.

Meanwhile, back in the bookstore, Esra had been glancing at Renov from behind the shelves, removing a row of books just to catch a glimpse of him. She had been replaying his every action in her mind, her heart fluttering with happiness each time she saw him.

As she watched him leave, she felt a pang of regret. If only he had known she felt the same way. If only she could have mustered the courage to tell him that her heart beat faster whenever he was near, that she looked forward to their every meeting with bated breath. She turned to Merin, who had noticed the look on her face.

"Esra, are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

She forced a smile, but her eyes betrayed her true feelings. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's sit."

As they sat down, Esra's thoughts were still with Renov. She wondered if he would ever know how much she cared for him. And Renov, speeding through the streets, couldn't shake the image of Esra from his mind. The frustration of his unspoken love gnawed at him, making him drive faster, as if he could outrun his own heartache.

Back at the bookstore, Esra's eyes kept drifting to the door, hoping Renov might come back. Merin noticed her distraction. "Esra, you seem off. Is everything okay with you and Renov?"

She shook her head slightly, her voice barely a whisper. "I don't know. I wish I did."

The evening wore on, but the thoughts of what could have been lingered in the air, a poignant reminder of the words left unsaid and the love that remained hidden, just a heartbeat away.

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