| B R O K E L A N D |

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I stayed up half the night thinking about all the possibilities that would come about with new money. I thought of all the new things I could buy , all the things my mom wanted but couldn't have would finally be in our reach. Waking up the next morning wasn't half as exciting considering I only got about five hours. I need a solid seven to jump up feeling refreshed. I felt like a zombie.

Making breakfast woke me up some since the bacon I was frying for my mother was crackling louder than the sound of thunder. "You only made three pieces?" My mom walked up behind me placing the orange juice on the counter.

"Its for you , I don't eat pork remember?"

She nodded bumping me aside to turn down the burner. "Yes , and you don't need the burner this high , that's how you burnt the bacon last time , remember?" She mocked me.

I laughed. "Mom , what would you do with $1000?"

If I was gonna figure out what to buy her , I had to disguise it as a simple random pipe dream.

She scoffed pouring juice into her cup. "Pay bills."

"If you didn't have any bills or loans , what would you do with the money."

Looking at me curiously , she sipped her orange juice. "Well , I always wanted one of those real nice gold watches. And a good winter coat , the ones them white ladies be wearing at the fashion shows downtown."

I smiled , that should be easy.

"How was yesterday with Kirk? I see you got your hair straightened." My mother asked , turning the burner off completely since I had forgotten her bacon.

"It was cool. Why did you leave me with him anyway? He's not even that much older than me." I pouted.

Laughing , she pinched my cheek. "Because he's trustworthy , and you need to learn responsibility before I leave you alone in this house again."

She was referring to one Saturday two weeks ago when I set her curtains on fire because I left a candle burning. How was I supposed to know the flame would hit the curtain?

"Ma , you can't even blame me for that no more , I told you what happened."

"Yea , whatever. What you doing today?"

I thought about what I was doing today. It made my heart beat speed up with excitement.

"I'm meeting up with Kirk at three."

"I thought you didn't like him." She mocked.

"I never said that , just that I didn't understand why you left me with him." I busied myself with putting jelly on some toast.

She chuckled , walking away to her room.

My mom was something else. I wonder how happy she's gonna be when I give her the stuff she wants. She'll probably cry , moms always cry when they get expensive gifts.

I walked to my room , turning on the stereo so I could clean up a bit. Cleaning up without music is like blasphemy for me. I have to be hearing something nice when doing work or I'll get so bored I give up. Picking up clothes , dusting my dresser and bedside table , washing my sheets and blankets , emptying my trash bin , and organizing my shoes was on the list for today. It would take at least an hour so I had Method Man's 'Tical' playing from my speakers to keep me hype.


After I got done cleaning it was about twelve o'clock and I still had three hours to kill. I honestly couldn't wait so I went out anyway. I told my mom I was going to hang out with my friend Jessica even though I haven't spoken to her since freshman year.

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