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I woke up the next morning with a very unpleasant pain in my neck from the awkward position I fell asleep in. I sat up , yawning and stretching , when I looked around I noticed that I was alone in Kirk's bed.

I slid to the edge of the bed getting up and walking out of the room , I heard Kirk in the kitchen and I smelled waffles so he must be cooking. He was playing music too , I didn't know the song but I'm sure it was PartyNextDoor. As much as I would love to go indulge in waffles and the likes of everyone's favorite OVO artist I must go shower because I'm still wearing the same thing from last night.

I grabbed random clothes from my closet and hopped in the shower.

After I finished and got dressed I walked into the kitchen , noticing there was no breakfast. Confused , I walked into the living room first spotting two empty plates on the coffee table , then I noticed Kirk laying back on the couch with Gina sitting on his lap playing in his hair. It was no longer braided , it had been taken down and was now an unruly mess of kinks and curls.

"Morning." I muttered , rolling my eyes and walking away. I'd rather be in my room during their little love fest. So I grabbed my phone and hooked it up to the speaker Bishop left over here. I pressed shuffle and sat in front of the mirror to do my hair.

The first song to play was Diary by Alicia Keys...

"Shut up Alicia." I hopped up and skipped it. The next one was Hot Boys by Missy Elliot.

I shrugged and sat down again.

My curls were a day old and not working for my life so I went and washed it again. After adding leave in conditioner I blow dried it and teased it to the right volume. Then I grabbed a ponytail holder and brushed it all back into a slick ponytail.

I added hoop earrings and some lip gloss just to make myself look sickeningly Harlem. I smiled at myself debating whether or not I should take a selfie.

I decided against it , instead deciding to dance to the music coming from the speaker. Having the time of my life I smiled , until the song went off and Need To Know by Wale came on. Then I snatched the phone off the aux , cursed relationships and walked out of my room and into the kitchen.

Since Kirk wanted to be selfish , I would make my own breakfast , today was my last day anyway...

Just as I found a skillet and pulled the eggs out of the fridge my phone rang. Sitting the eggs on the counter I hurriedly pulled it out and answered.


"What's up , ma?" I heard the voice and immediately recognized it as Joey.

Smiling I tried my best to play it cool. "Hey , Joey. What's up?"

"What you up to? Let's go to Waffle House , I'm tryna see you." He spoke low and smooth. It's almost as if I couldn't say no. Since Kirk made his girl breakfast and forgot about me , I guess I can go get some too...

"How soon can you be here?"


After changing my clothes so I could be cute enough to go out , I heard a knock on the door. "Kirk , get the door!" I yelled , grabbing my bag and walking into the living room.

Joey was standing at the door , Kirk beside him staring at him like he had been personally offended by his presence. I smiled and he smiled back reaching out to give me a hug.

"Hey!" I giggled excitedly.

"You ready?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and I looked up at him.

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