Life After The Block

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Dreyah sat on the bed , sipping the strawberry banana smoothie she had just made. "What you got on the schedule for today , boo?" She called to Kirk who had just stepped out of the shower.

He stood in the mirror , grabbing his coconut oil from the dresser. "Nothing today , baby. I'm guessing they letting me rest before fashion week , you coming to Paris with me right?" Turning around slowly , he waited for her response.

She stared down at the magazine she grabbed from the nightstand , playing dumb. Of course she was going , but it was fun to mess with him.

"Dre , you going with me right?" He repeated. "What else could you be doing that week anyway? Cheating on me?"

Dreyah laughed , looking up. "How did you guess? Of course I'm gonna cheat on you! I have to go to Brooklyn to see my boyfriend Fabolous. He said he's writing a song about me." She smiled sweetly.

Kirk tried his best to conceal a smile , grabbing a shirt and flicking it at her head. "Whatever , you bugging...but I need you to do my hair real quick."

"I thought you wasn't going no where today?" She eyed him suspiciously.

He shrugged. "I meant for work , I still gotta go to Yonkers and cater to all my side chicks , you know how that go."

Dreyah stale faced him , throwing a pillow before laughing out loud. "You wanna be a playa like me so bad." She walked over to him. "Where the grease at?"


Laying back on the couch , Dreyah wrapped her arms around Kirk's neck as he fell between her legs.

"What you wanna watch? I don't know what's on here..." Dreyah navigated through the Netflix movies.

Kirk grabbed the controller , typing in the search box. "There."

"What's this?"

"Belly." He smirked.

"Oh , DMX was my dream guy in this. I used to love ruffnecks , I was too dumb to realize Sincere was the one I should've liked." Dreyah chuckled , rubbing her hand over Kirk's fresh twist out.

"Well , I'm the only ruffneck you love now." He spoke , matter-of-factly.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Boy , you ain't no ruffneck , you too pretty."

"What you mean?..." He sat up , staring down at her.

"Kirk , I was playing chill."

"You better be playing , you know I'm a thug. That's why you love me , ma." He mumbled into her neck , hand gripping her butt.

Dreyah looked down at his hand , wondering how pretty the sight would be if he was wearing a gold wedding band and platinum watch. "Why your hands prettier than mine?"

"Stop playing with me , Dreyah." He spoke , biting her neck.

Giggling she placed a hand on the back of his head to hold him in place. "I'm just saying , you mad pretty. Why you offended?" She teased.

"Aight." He sat up , flipping her over abruptly. "What's all that shit you was talking?" Pulling her hands behind her back he pressed against her butt , smacking it with his free hand.

Dreyah laughed , trying to get away from him. He let her go and she crawled further up the couch but stopped when she realized he held the waist band of her leggings and every time she moved , they came down further. Kirk stared down at her black lace thong with lustful eyes.

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