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Dreyah stood on the corner a block away from the building she was previously in

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Dreyah stood on the corner a block away from the building she was previously in. Staring out into the street she noticed her phone started to vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out she slid her finger across the screen , accepting the call.

"Yes?" She felt her body calming , a slow pulsing electricity flowing through her veins.

"Dreyah...um , Kirk said you don't have to come back , you know if you don't want to." Bryson spoke awkwardly.

She looked down at her shoes , then stared absentmindedly at a pebble laying inches away from her feet. "Yea , okay."

"Well , I guess that's it then.."

"I think we need to talk."

He was quiet on the other line for some time. "I guess , yea. Whatever you want."

Dreyah blew out a breath she didn't know she was holding and headed back to the building. At least she wasn't running this time...


"So , what do you need?..." Bryson stepped out of the door , hands in his pockets.

"I...." She was stuck. Dreyah honestly didn't know what she wanted , did she want to apologize? "About me and Kirk , I-"

"It's okay." He gave her a soft smile. "We haven't seen each other in like two years , I didn't expect you to wait for me."

She sighed , fighting an entire war with herself mentally. "Bryson , I'm not with him."

"Dre , I can tell you love him. And it's okay , I promise. I love you , but I know what we had can't be brought back. You were my bestfriend before you were my girl , so I just want you to be happy." Bryson smiled.

She chanted continuously in her head that she wouldn't cry. "I love you too , you're so perfect , Bry." They hugged and she felt okay again. She hadn't noticed the door opening but when they pulled apart she looked over to see a stale faced Kirk , pulling off his gloves.

"Y'all done?" He spoke blandly.

Dreyah rolled her eyes , pulling away from Bryson. They all walked outside followed by Bishop who walked silently behind them all.

"I guess , it's all really over now." Dreyah sighed , staring across the street at a random black car parked in front of a jewelry place.

Kirk pulled a cigarillo from behind his ear , lighting it. Dreyah was sure it was filled with something other than tobacco. "It ain't over till it's over , ma." He spoke.

The sky was a bright blue , but everything still seemed so dull to her. There was just something...

"What the fuck..." Bishop spoke , staring down the street. Just then a car skidded right in front of them and immediately everyone ran towards the door to the building.

Kirk's grip on his gun was sure and Bishop was already pressing the trigger on his. There were shots , Dreyah heard shots. But no one from her team had fired yet.

It was all loud and moving too fast , she ran when Kirk told her to and hid in the alley. She heard loud cursing and more shots. A car door slammed , there were more shots and she knew that whoever it was , had to be drunk.

Their words were slurring and she could hear their shoes shuffling on the ground where they stumbled to gain balance.

"Come out motherfucker! Face me! Me and Malik should've killed your ass months ago!" The voice shouted.

She was confused.

"Come on , Kirk! Just come out! I already shot your friend here , you just gonna leave him out here on this concrete?" The guy chuckled.

Dreyah's heart skipped a beat and she had to force herself not to run out and see what was happening.

Suddenly , she heard the heavy metal door swing open and a long stream of shots rang out. Then there was silence...

"God , I know we don't talk much , but here I am. I may not be the best person , and I may not go to church all the time , but please , please...don't let anyone I love be gone. I don't think I can take it , please." Tears fell onto the front of her shirt as she stood slowly and walked out of the alley.

The sight in front of her was horrid , and she thought maybe she just wasn't meant to have nice things...

Maybe , she just wasn't meant to be happy.


all things go.

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