You Needed Me

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{A/N: Y'all remember Amara , Dreyah's cousin right? and how she had Kirk first? lmaooo}


Suddenly , she heard the heavy metal door swing open and a long stream of shots rang out. Then there was silence...

"God , I know we don't talk much , but here I am. I may not be the best person , and I may not go to church all the time , but please , please...don't let anyone I love be gone. I don't think I can take it , please." Tears fell onto the front of her shirt as she stood slowly and walked out of the alley.

The sight in front of her was horrid , and she thought maybe she just wasn't meant to have nice things...

Maybe , she just wasn't meant to be happy.

There laying on the concrete she seen Bishop's body laying still , his arms splayed and blood pooling under his hip. Next to him was Bryson , on his side , a pool of blood forming under his head.

Dreyah's stomach lurched , and for the first time in a long time she didn't feel like running. She felt like dying...

"No , no ,! Fuck!" Kirk's voice bounced against her ear drums. She watched him stumble towards their bodies , holding his left shoulder , right hand still clutching his gun. He collapsed next to Bishop , checking his pulse.

"Call an ambulance." He croaked , slowly looking over to Bryson. The very , very , pale Bryson.

Dreyah had tried on several occasions to move her feet but she just couldn't. She figured she should've been crying by now but maybe she couldn't do that either. Maybe she was in shock.

Kirk placed a hand on Bryson's chest. "Call an ambulance!" He shouted.

Almost jumping out of her skin Dreyah hurriedly searched for her phone. She felt anxious , angry , and sad all at the same time.

She told the police that there had been three people shot , and she thought the shooter was heading toward downtown. She had to lie , she knew that if she just told them that three black boys had been shot they would take forever , but if they thought the rich people downtown were in danger they would hurry.

"Give me that." Dreyah ordered , staring down at Kirk's gun that he was still grasping.

He didn't move , just sat there between Bishop and Bryson. He stared over at the third body , the guy had bright skin , tattoos up his arms and was wearing a black bomber jacket. Suddenly , she felt like the only thing inside her was anger and air.

"Fuck..." She muttered. That was the guy that had stopped her on the street that day...

A Week & A Couple Days Earlier...

"Yo! What's up , ma?" Dreyah whipped her head around to see who had cat called her.

It was a tall , caramel skinned guy with a black bubble jacket and black timbs. She stared at him curiously for a moment before continuing her walk towards the hotel.

"Yo! You ain't hear me? I said what's up?!" The guy grabbed at her wrist roughly , pulling her back.

Dreyah would swear she saw red , it was everywhere. It was on her legs , and her arms , and her face. And it was on the guy's face , in the sky , on the ground , it was everywhere.

And if asked she would say she felt fire in her veins , there was an immense amount of anger flying throughout her body. She couldn't stop the way her eyes widened and focused in on the guy's face as she swung once and cracked his nose.

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