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Sitting in 7th block , and still can't get Kirk's business transaction out of my head. He looked so calm when he ran out of the alley. I don't know if I could've been so brave. The possibility of getting caught would be a constant in my mind.

"Ms.Washington?!" My geography teacher yelled , grabbing my attention.

"Yes?" I honestly hate this class...

"Have you completed the worksheet?"

Just then the bellrung. It was the last day before summer break so everyone rushed out like they were being chased. I grabbed the worksheet from my desk and placed it on hers while walking out of the classroom. It was a word search...she yelled at me for a word search...she needs mental help.

I wonder how Kirk ended up serving that guy. Maybe the man has a stressful life , and he's searching for a way out. What if he has a wife and kids at home that don't know about it? I wonder if one night he'll come home high out of his mind and the wife will yell at him about setting examples for the kids , then she'll take the kids and they'll go to her mother's house.

I just created an entire life for this man I don't even know.

The thought alone is , bone chilling. I mean , I don't see my dad much but I'm sure if he lived with me and had a problem like that , it would mess with me. But then again , there are murders that live in the same brownstone as me...hell , they're all up the block. So having a high dad most likely isn't the worst way to grow up. But it's still a bad way.

I walked out of the school ,and in the direction of my brownstone.

When I made it home Kirk was there waiting.

"Aight , look. Your moms won't be home for a while and she told me to look after you, I don't wanna sit in your house all day , so I'm taking you with me." He completed the sentence and began walking away.

"Wait , wait Kirk! Why would she do that? Did she say anything about me getting my hair done today?"

He slowed down to look back at me , at my hair , then turned around completely just to stare at me while he pondered my question.

"Yea , I think so. Maybe...but you gone have to get it done later , I ain't got time for salons today , Dre."

He started walking then , and of course I went after him. We ended up walking down an alley , and into an apartment building I didn't even know existed. We entered the living room of one of the apartments. Then we stopped , and Kirk seemed happier , like he was just so thrilled to see his buddies after a long day of illegal activity. But I need my hair done , so I'm not as happy obviously.

I pulled his sleeve , yanking him closer to me.

"Kirk , I really need to get my hair done. Why can't I go by myself? I can go , and we'll just tell my mom you went with me."

"No , not over here. You can't go no where alone over here. Plus , I'm not even sure why your mom made me do this. I don't know you well enough to protect you to be honest." He shrugged leaning onto the counter behind him.

"I know right! My mom is crazy. She always just thin-"

"Aye! Kirk , you not gone introduce us to your friend man?" One of the guys spoke.

"Uh , yeah..this is Dreyah. One of my friends....I think." He looked bored. Like he just felt so hassled to have to say my name.

"Well , my name is Joey." One of the guys got up , shaking my hand and giving me a friendly smile.

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