•S W E E T E R M A N•

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"You almost ready?" Bishop mumbled over the phone. He sounded tired , except it was 1pm and why was he not up?

I put him on speaker and placed the phone on the dresser while I organized all my stuff , getting it ready to be taken out of the apartment. "Yes , now get your lazy behind up and come on."

He grunted in affirmative and hung up.



I stretched out across the couch , bags waiting by the door , phone in hand. I was on Twitter and somebody was having a fight that was taking all of my attention. One girl said something about the other girls eyebrows that had me laughing so hard.

"What you laughing at , weirdo?" Kirk walked past the couch going into the kitchen.


He walked over with a Snapple , plopping down next to me. "What's happening? Drake and Meek beefing again?"

I laughed. "No , stupid. It's just a basic Twitter fight. They talking about each other's eyebrows."

"You bugging." He shook his head , sipping the Snapple.

I rolled my eyes as I clicked out of the Twitter app to my home screen , noticing I had an unread message.

Joey - "You have fun shorty?"

I smiled uncontrollably , he didn't even have to say anything sweet , I was such a nerd.

Typing a quick 'Sure did' with emojis , I noticed Kirk staring at me with a blank face.

"What?" I snapped.

He shook his head and just looked away.

"Look , I don't know what your new attitude towards Joey is but you need to stop because he's not a bad guy and you're just making a fool of yourself." After I finished my rant , I turned back to my phone reading Joey's newest message.

Joey - "I got something better planned for tomorrow night , just wait on it. ;)"

I responded with a smiley face and "waiting" before I heard Kirk suck his teeth getting up and walking to the door. I thought he was leaving until I seen him open it and Bishop walk in.

"Damn , I had to knock like three times , what yall doing in here?" He complained picking up my bags.

"If Dreyah wasn't so occupied by texting Joey she would've heard you knock." Kirk mumbled walking back to his room.

I glared at the back of his head until he disappeared into his room. "Let's go before I cut off his stupid braids."

Bishop cackled , carrying my bags out of the apartment.


I had taken a nap when I made it back to Bishop's , waking up at 9:07 was not planned. I have to get ready by 10 to be at the club by 11. This will be a task.

So , I showered , did my hair , then makeup and by then it was 10:01 so I grabbed my bag and went to Bishop's room.

"Take me to the club , I don't want to ride the train tonight." I complained , watching him give me an annoyed glare from his bed.

He groaned , reaching for the nikes he was wearing earlier and grabbing his keys. "Bring your drug dealing ass on."

"Love you too , Bishop."


"Excuse me , why the fuck you looking what's your problem? I swear we gone have problems if you touch my tailored garments!" My phone rang loudly interrupting the comfortably quiet ride me and Bishop were enjoying.

I answered it with a swift greeting. "Hello?"

"You on your way to the club yet?"
Kirk spoke.

"Yes , I'm almost there."

"Well , make sure you collect tonight. There's a new quota , word from Dennis. Oh and he said you ran his credit card bill up high as hell , and that you're lucky you're pretty." Kirk chuckled quietly.

I smiled. "Ok , I'll call you whenever I'm out."

"Aight ma." He spoke lowly before hanging up.

Bishop glanced over at me. "So , that was Kirk right?"

"Yea , how you know?"

"The way you were smiling , like he had given you a key to the universe." He shrugged.

I stared at him like he was crazy. "What you trying to say?"

Bishop laughed , turning at a red light. "Y'all are basically dating."

"You bugging , focus on the road."

"So , was I not supposed to notice how y'all look at each other?"

I rolled my eyes , ignoring him.

"You mad at me now? I'm only telling the truth , Dre." He laughed.

"Whatever." I dismissed him as we pulled up to the club. Hopping out of his car I walked away thinking about how confused he must be if he thought I liked Kirk that way.

We were simply friends. Maybe even business partners , but it wasn't anything like that.

Bishop would just have to get it together , but for now...I'm gonna get this money.


"It would be different without me , what is it without me , don't go do nothing without me." - Drake

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