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*Dreyah's date outfit above*


I brought in a big benefit last night at the club. Things went smoothly as planned , it was good. I made it home by 2am and woke up this morning at 11:45. It was 1:53 now after I'd showered and got dressed for the day.

Bishop was sitting in the kitchen at the counter texting away.

"Which girl are you texting today , Bishop?" I questioned grabbing a box of cereal and a bowl.

He chuckled. "Your aunt. She mad annoying , tell her to stop blowing me up."

I straight-faced him. "Oh , so you got jokes this early in the morning?"

"Nah , I'm playing. This is Kirk , he wants to talk to you by the way. Says call him." He muttered , distracted by a new text message he had received.

I nodded , forgetting the cereal box on the counter to go grab my phone.

I pressed Kirk's number on my recents list and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Yea , Bishop said you needed to talk to me?"

"Oh , yea I need you to come to the meet up spot , I gotta count this money since the machine screwed up. What time can you be here?"

I remembered my date with Joey. "Anytime before 5."

He hesitated for a minute. "Aight , come through around 4:00 cause I'm gonna be busy."

"Ok , see you then."

He said his goodbye and hung up.

Well , I guess Netflix can keep me company until 4:00 right?


Joey texted me at around 3:30 to ask if I was still going. I responded with a 'duh' and he called me.

"Hello , Joey." I smiled.

"What's up ma? We still on for tonight right? I got something special planned." I could hear his smirk through the phone.

I smiled even harder. "Yea , I'll be here waiting. 6 o'clock right?"

"Yea , I'll see you then baby girl." He lulled sweetly.

"Ok , bye." I hung up and immediately squealed in excitement. This was so weird , I've been single all my life then one day this perfect guy comes about making me feel all happy on the inside. This must be what love feels like...

Ok , no I'm definitely not in love with Joey...that would be weird. But he is great.

That , he is.


I pushed my laziness to the side and was on my way to the meet up spot to see Kirk. As Bishop pulled up in front of the building he urged me to hurry up because he had somebody to see.

"Shut up , loser." I dismissed him , getting out of the car and walking in. Easily finding the room Kirk was in I entered sitting across from him at the table.

"What's up?" He grabbed the money immediately starting to count.

I watched him thumb effortlessly through the notes. "Nothing."

He nodded , separating his cut and handed me mine. "So , why you had to be here before 5? You got plans?"

I smiled. "Yea , I have a date actually." Standing , tucking my money back into the bag.

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