|W A V E S|

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I ended up staying in a hotel the night my mom kicked me out. It was a pretty nice one though , one with complimentary alcohol and a nice view of the city. They even had a bowling alley.

I didn't have time for any of that. Kirk called me almost as soon as I got there notifying me that I had to hit the block early cause I had to get more money , there was a new standard to meet. So , I was out as soon as the sun went down , and I came back as soon as the sun returned. It was the latest I had stayed out but that was the most I had made.

See , Bishop put me on to some new clients. These weren't your everyday , dirty , homeless drug addicts. These were the L.E.S rich white kids with habits brought on by parental neglect. Man , I haven't ever been so thankful for teenage depression until I left that party with a couple bands in my pocket and the additional earnings from the block I had hit earlier that night. Those kids were crazy , but I would definitely be returning.

A lot of the people there took my number for future supply , but the guy who threw the party took my number , email , and Twitter name. He was funny , and so high.

I felt bad for those kids but now I envied them. Since I left my mom's house a week ago I've been living with Bishop. Kirk doesn't know about me getting kicked out...

I just feel so sad sometimes thinking about the stuff with my mom , and those kids have a way out. But , I would never be bold enough to snort a line. So , that's why I have my "therapy" sessions with Bishop. He noticed my moping one day and asked If I wanted to talk about it; I said yea.

We went to his room and he pulled out this box , it had cigarillos in it , with at least an ounce of weed sat neatly next to them. At first I said no , I didn't want to do any drugs. I wasn't going to end up like those kids , but he convinced me.

We smoked and talked and I felt better for a while. I felt better than I have in a while.

"Thanks." I had said , laying back on his bed.

"No problem , ma." He grabbed the blunt from me and ashed it on his bedside table.

"I wish I was a bird." I said.

He looked at me strangely before laying next to me and asking why.

"So I could fly away from all my problems and all my emotions." I laughed.

He laughed too before sighing. "I don't think it's that easy , kid."


"What do you want on the taco!?" I shouted.

Bishop was getting on my last nerve. We were hungry and didn't want to go out without eating so I made tacos. I was fixing his because he had went to buy Arizonas from the bodega , but he couldn't seem to decide how he wanted the damn thing.

"Um , give me some sour cream....wait! No , I want salsa." I knew I shouldn't have let him smoke earlier.

I just tuned him out and put everything on it , carrying it to him and dropping it on his lap. "There. I'm taking a shower."


"You got what you wanted?" I bounced my leg impatiently waiting for Kirk to take his percentage of last night's earnings.

"Yea. Where y'all about to go?" Kirk handed me my money and stared back and forth at me and Bishop. I handed Bishop his cut.

"I'm going home. I don't know what Bishop doing." I shrugged standing up.

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