| B A B Y L O N|

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'I can't recall the last time I took advice from anyone , shaped like a figure eight. Who trusts pretty girls anyway?' The song played from my stereo as I danced around the room , blunt in hand.

I had felt extra down this morning so I called Bishop over and told him to bring my stereo and my favorite cds. He was on the bed enjoying the perfect mattress waiting on me to pass him the blunt. I didn't plan on it though , I was the one in need here.

'was it worth it? would you do it again? aren't you tired , of always making amends? I know you hate me now , I bet you hate me now. bring on the thorny crown , crucify me.' The song seemed to speak directly to my mood.

"Dreyah , you ain't no ballerina , come here." Bishop spoke.

I slowly walked over as the song ended , still not wanting to give him the blunt. He had more at home , why not just let me keep this one.

He continued laying down and I draped myself by his side handing over the 'pain medicine'. Suddenly , I was crying. I didn't know why until I spoke.

"Doesn't she love me? Doesn't she want me to come home? I didn't mean to be a bad daughter." I softly cried , burying my face in the space between Bishop's neck and shoulder. He ashed the blunt and wrapped his arms around me , the regular routine. There we laid until I fell asleep.


"So , you know its been three days right?" I questioned Kirk , sitting on the couch with my leg up. I noticed sitting any other way put pressure on my stitches , which sucked.

"Yea , so?" He was focused on his phone , scrolling and typing.

I sighed dramatically , he looked up. "I want to go make some money!"

Kirk laughed. "I've created a monster." He patted me on the shoulder. "But you ain't going out until we figure out who shot you."

"Can I shoot them when you find out?" I asked , and only after I said it did I realize how innocent I sounded. That probably wouldn't help my case.

Kirk glanced over at me giving me a look that said 'shut up while you're ahead.' So that I did.

"You and Bishop been smoking in my house?" He questioned , still typing and scrolling away on his phone.

I sat there , feeling like a teenager getting caught drinking. Should I lie? Or maybe I should tell the truth...

"Yea?" I settled for somewhere in the middle.

Kirk looked over at me with a blank stare. "You don't smoke in here unless I get to hit the blunt too. Just basic hospitality , ma."

I chuckled. "You can't join us , it's a friendship thing. It's how we bond."

"Ew , don't be doing no bonding in here." He scrunched up his face in disgust , throwing a pillow at me.

I laughed throwing it back. "Not like that! It's kind of like therapy for the both of us."

"So , y'all bond over being sad ass druggies?" He straight-faced me.

He's such a jerk. We don't even smoke enough to be considered druggies.

"You act like we popping Xanax or something , we just smoke every now and then." I shrugged.

He placed his phone in his pocket giving me all of his attention. "So , you and Bishop. What's up with y'all?"

I caught on slowly to what he was asking and when I did I gagged. "Ew! No , we're just friends!"

Kirk laughed. "Damn , you act like he ugly or something."

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