S A Y - I T

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Kirk & Bryson up top.

"Bryson , we need a plan we can't just go in shooting these dudes!" Bishop yelled , matching Bryson's tone.

"I don't care about no plan! He raped her , Bishop! What the fuck am I supposed to do? Just sit and think about it all day?! Look , if you need a plan before we go killing people , fine. But hurry your planning ass up , cause when I'm ready , I'm ready." Bryson finished , walking towards the stairs to get back up to the hotel room.

Dreyah lay strewn across the bed , head resting on her crossed arms. She had her good days , and she had her bad ones. Today was in between. She knew she should be happy , but it's like she just couldn't climb out of the sadness clawing at the edges of her mind. Today was one of the days that her memories wouldn't leave her alone.

She was supposed to be getting dressed because earlier that morning Bryson suggested they go out. But she hasn't heard from him since he walked out of the door with Kirk and Bishop two hours ago.

Bryson straightened the collar on his black bomber jacket before walking into the room. He watched as Dreyah laid on the bed staring at the wall , slowly walking towards her.

Crawling into the bed next to her he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm sorry I left you..." He mumbled , muffled by the back of her shirt.

Dreyah turned around in his arms , immediately reaching to play in his hair. She had to knock his hat off first. "It's okay , Bryson."

"I'm sorry I left you here... If I would've been here , that wouldn't have happened to you. I should've been here , Dre." He sighed , eyes glistening.

Dreyah's hand stopped where it was rubbing circles in his kinky hair. She stared at him for awhile before closing her eyes and just laying there. Bryson watched as she turned over onto her back and placed her hands over her ears.

He sat up , interested but confused. Suddenly , her eyes snapped open and a look of fright flew over her face.

"I can hear him. I can still hear him screaming at me , Bryson." She mumbled. Starting to breath heavily she placed her hands over her ears again , shutting her eyes tightly.

Bryson was saddened by this , he was supposed to be there. He was supposed to protect her. "Dre..." He called softly , grabbing her wrist and pulling her hand away from her ear and placing it over his heart. "Let's count , all right? Remember how we used to count?"

When they were younger Dreyah would sometimes have bad anxiety attacks , that was half the reason she wasn't very popular. Everybody knew her as the girl that was scared of everything. Bryson told her to count until she could calm down. They would sit in a near corner together and he would put her hand on his heart and tell her to focus , he would tell her to count the beats. He would then start talking aimlessly about random things to distract her so she wouldn't think about whatever was worrying her anymore.

"Count with me , baby." He softly took her other hand and held it. She sat up , leaning into his chest.

She would always count in her head , he noticed. So he just started talking.

"I remember when I was little , we went to Pennsylvania to visit my grandmother. She was so tall to me back then. I thought she was a super hero because every time I got in trouble with my mom all she had to do was say one thing and my mom would let me go." He chuckled. "There were so many trees by her house. There was this one huge oak , I know you would've loved it. I used to sit under it and play with the grass. I would sit out there all day if I could , but grandma would always call me in for lunch , lemonade , then dinner. In that order. She was so beautiful , Dre. I wish you could meet her." Bryson noticed Dreyah began to breathe normally and her hands stopped shaking.

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