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"Get outta here." Kirk instructed Bishop and Dreyah.

"What , why?"

Kirk stared at him with a blank face until he decided he would just leave. Bishop wrapped his arm around Dreyah and led her out of the door.

Kirk slid on some gloves and stood in the middle of the room until Bryson walked through the door. "I can't get him out of the van alone. He's like 6'3."


"Hmph!" Bryson dropped Joey's slumping body in the same chair Malik had just been in. "Alright , what are we doing?"

"I got a plan." Kirk rubbed a hand over his chin. "Let's take a lunch break." He suggested.

Bryson nodded , bolting the door as they walked out.


"Why he kick us out?" Dreyah bit into her slice of pizza. They sat in a pizzeria around the corner from the hotel they resided in. Bishop decided they may as well go eat since they hadn't all day anyway.

"I don't know , he must have something planned. So , how you feeling?"

Dreyah sipped her tea , glancing around the restaurant. "I'll be aight , on to more important things...when are we going home?" She didn't want to be annoying , but she had been doing some thinking lately. A lot of it pertaining to the relationship she has with her mom , or the lack there of.

"What's on your mind , Dre?" Bishop sipped his tea and stared at her as if he could tell she was bothered.

Dreyah messed with her pizza for a moment before looking up. "You think my mom would let me come home? Maybe if I promised to do right , and go to school and stuff? I mean , she still loves me right?"

"Of course she still loves you nigga." Bishop responded immediately. "She'll probably let you come home too , just gotta walk in ready to beg."

She laughed , rolling her eyes. "Want to take me over there?"

"You sure?"

"Yea. After we're done with whatever Kirk has planned." She shrugged.

Bishop nodded. "Aight , whatever you want is fine. But for now , eat that pizza i'm paying for."

Dreyah laughed stuffing her face for the amusement of them both.


"Bishop...no , no." Dreyah stood by the door , eyes locked on an unconscious Joey.

Bishop was stuck too , but not for the same reason. He didn't really know what to do , but he wanted to help her...atleast make sure she was okay.

"It's okay , Dre. I promise , he can't hurt you now. See , watch me." He walked over to Joey slowly and slapped him across the face causing Dreyah to laugh. He smiled and relaxed when he noticed she was a bit calmer now.

"Yo , bring the red ones too!" Kirk called to Bryson as they walked into the room. He looked at Dreyah and motioned for her to come over.

She walked over to him slowly and he immediately started talking. "So , what's up with you and Bryson?" He got straight to the point.

Dreyah reared back in confusion , quickly regaining her composure. "Why are you bringing this up now? When you have a guy sitting in a chair waiting to be sliced every which way?"

Kirk's jaw clenched and he rolled his eyes. "I don't have the patience for your games today , Dre."

She chuckled. "I don't care what you have time for , none of the shit you say matters to me. Just stay out of my business , please."

Kirk grabbed her arm when she tried to walk away and pressed her against the wall. "Don't play with me. You always want to act up , but I'm not doing this shit with you today , aight? I asked you a question , and I expect an answer. Now , what's up with you and Bryson?"

She stared at him , in shock. Not knowing how to feel , she decided to let him have this one.

"Nothing.." She breathed out.

Kirk was about to say something before Bryson walked into the room holding a brown box. He still never took his eyes off her.

"Aye , y'all good?" He questioned.

Kirk moved in quick and captured her lips against his. After recovering from the shock she kissed him back. It was great , and everything she imagined it would be. But , while being pressed against the wall and held there she had time to think. She realized maybe Kirk only kissed her so that Bryson could see. She thinks he was trying to show ownership or something.

Suddenly , she felt nauseous and had to push him away. She held onto her stomach and he let go of her , looking over her in worry.

"Aye! What you do to her?" Bishop ran over quickly. Dreyah glanced around the room and seen Bryson standing across the room staring silently. She was even more upset by the look in his eyes and had to get out of there before she threw up on someone's unnecessarily expensive shoes.

She let the door close behind her and ran out of the building. This was her life , running.

Suddenly , she was laughing , and she stopped running. It was comical , all she did all the time was run. From her emotions , family , problems...she was always running.

She wanted to change , she had to change.


I Don't Get Tired.

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