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*should I do omniscient for the rest of this book?*


Ever since telling Bishop about the night at the hotel , things have been a tad easier. Someone knows , and she doesn't have to feel guilty for acting so sad all the time.

"Dre , you want pizza tonite? You ain't gotta cook or nothing..." Bishop walked into the living room looking over her slouched body. She was lying on the couch in her sweatpants and his hoodie.

She glanced away from the tv and at him with a not-so blank stare. Dreyah had been trying to get rid of that blank face she had ever since Joey... She wanted to learn to smile again , maybe even move past it all. It doesn't feel possible but it feels worth a try to her.

"That's nice , but I think I'll cook." She gave him a slight smile and he nodded walking away.

Bishop has been trying to be as supportive as possible , he even talked Kirk into asking Dennis if she could stay home for a couple of days. Dennis allowed it , as long as she agreed to bring in higher profit when she got back. Kirk asked questions of course , Bishop just told him that she had gotten a virus and needed to be at home for a little while.

Every time he looked at her it made him so sad. She didn't deserve what Joey put her through and Bishop was definitely going to do something about it. He might not tell Dreyah when he would but he was going to handle it , permanently...

Back in the living room Dreyah was scrolling on Twitter aimlessly , not really reading anything she passed , just force of habit maybe. When her screen froze she was confused until she seen that there was a call coming through. It was Kirk.

"Hello?" She yawned.

"What's up? You good?"

Dreyah pulled passively at the drawstrings on Bishop's hoodie. "Yea , I'm okay. Why?"

Kirk shifted in the driver's seat of his car , he was gonna head over there but thought better of it. "Bishop said you were sick. You better now?"

"Oh! Yea , I'm feeling better." She chuckled , trying to make it as animated as possible.

"Cool , cool." He hesitated for a second. "So you wanna come over? Watch some movies or something?"

Dreyah stared at the wall for a full five seconds before figuring out that yes , he was definitely asking to hang out with her. But Kirk must've gotten impatient because he spoke before she could.

"If you don't want to you don't have to , you know if it would offend Joe-"

"No!" She urged. "I'll come , it's just that I don't have that car I've been dreaming about yet , and I have to cook for Bishop , and well I'd love to come."

Kirk chuckled. "You gotta cook for Bishop? What did y'all get closer while you been at home?"

She laughed , and it was real this time. "Oh , shut up! No , I just don't want him eating take out all the time. He had it last night and that's not healthy."

"Well , let him be fat for one more night and come on."

Dreyah chewed her lip nodding as if he could see her. "Ok , call you when I get there."

Getting up , she stretched and walked to Bishop's room. "Hey , can you take me to Kirk's?"

"Why? Is he trying to make you work? Look , Dreyah I told you , you don't have to work okay? If you need more time I can get that , but you d-"

"Shut up!" She laughed. "We're just gonna hang out , I need to get out of this apartment you know?"

He stared into her eyes for a few seconds before nodding. "Alright , whatever you say. But , if you want to come home just call me okay?"

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