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"You hungry?"

Dreyah had stayed the night at her mother's since it was so late when they had finally got done talking.

They sat together on the couch for hours talking about the things that had happened with them both over the month. When she told her mom about Joey they cried together and her mom got up and left to the kitchen. When she came back she handed her a bowl of grapes and yogurt and they decided to talk about it that way.

By the end of the night they had moved on to more positive topics. Then , she told her mom about Bishop & Bryson , her mom was shocked that she had even seen Bryson again and sad that he had gotten injured. She said that she would drive her to the hospital to visit them both today.

"Yes ma'am." Dreyah smiled slightly , watching her mother make the pancakes.

She felt relieved and happy , but in the back of her mind she couldn't help but still be a little worried about her friends. These kinds of things happened to people in her neighborhood all the time , and she knew that feeling alone in this would be selfish so she just sat and chose not to think about it.

It's better that way...

"I can't get over the fact that you and Kirk are...in love or what ever you said." Her mother grinned , shaking her head. "I helped make that happen , right?"

Dreyah laughed. "Yes , mom. If you would have never made him babysit me , we would not be 'in love or what ever' right now." She mocked.

"Well , you welcome." Her mother winked playfully , turning around again to flip the pancakes.

This was nice.


Kirk sat in Bishop's hospital room , elbows pressed to his knees , chin resting in his hands. He had been in the same spot since last night when he left Dreyah at her mother's house. He checked Bryson's room , but he wasn't allowed to see him because he was in surgery.

A couple hours earlier when the doctor came back he was informed that Bryson didn't make it out of that surgery. They couldn't stop the bleeding from vital blood vessels th-....he really didn't know. He stopped listening after he was told that Bryson didn't make it. The first thing he thought about was telling his mother...the hospital had already done it but he knew that she would probably question him. He had to get out of there before the police wanted to question him too.

Telling Dreyah probably wouldn't be that hard. She was strong , and even at her weakest points she could hold it together.

He stared at Bishop with a blank face. The doctor told him that he would be fine , the bullet went in and out without hitting any vital organs. This was a miraculous blessing and Kirk was indeed feeling very blessed. To at least have one of his brothers.

He had only scuffled a bit but he didn't get shot , Dreyah didn't get shot , and Bishop is fine. Bryson didn't make it and they were all going to hurt at the funeral , but he could trust both Bishop and Dreyah to hold it together in his honor. He wouldn't want them falling apart.

"Bro..." Bishop spoke groggily.

Kirk sat up straight , rubbing a hand over his face. "Yea..."

"My side hurt so bad , my nigga." Bishop made a face that Kirk knows would've made Dreyah laugh.

He chuckled. "You got shot , dumbass. You want some pain medicine? I can call the nurse."

"Nah , bro. I heard people get addicted to that shit."

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