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After three days of sitting in the hotel room with Kirk and Bishop , Dreyah was definitely in need of some change of scenery.

"Kirk , I understand this is all important and shit but I'm starting to get anxious." She spoke blandly.

Bishop glanced over at her , she had began to change since everything happened with Joey. Of course he expected her to but that didn't mean he had to accept it. She hadn't changed positively of course , she was more bland , and she seemed not to care about anything as much as she used to.

"I got a friend coming today so you'll have a new face to look at." Kirk smiled fakely rolling his eyes.

She groaned and got up to sit in the chair against the wall , opening iBooks to read her latest download.

Dreyah woke up to knocking on the hotel room door. She looked around noticing Kirk nor Bishop were in the room. Getting up slowly she wiped her eyes looking through the peephole.

She couldn't see a face but she could tell it was a guy. His head was tilted down , the glare from the phone screen he was staring at shined on the rim of his Nike hat and over his chin. Shrugging , she opened the door.

The guy didn't look up , just walked into the room , right past her muttering a low "What's up bro , how you been?"

Dreyah stared at his back in awe of how rude he was. "Um , who's 'bro' and what are you doing in my room?"

The boy glanced up once then back at his phone before doing a double take. "Dreyah?"

She stared at him for a few seconds before the biggest smile she had in a while plastered itself on her face and she would promise she almost cried. "Bryson? Oh my god , what are you doing here weirdo?" Dreyah walked over hugging him tightly , burying her face right between his shoulder and jaw line.

Bryson  , Dreyah's first love. They met in middle school and he was the only boy in 8th grade that would watch Naruto with her. He even introduced her to Dragon Ball Z. They played play station together all the time until one day he tried to kiss her and she slapped him because they were playing GTA : San Andreas and CJ was on Grove Street getting shot at by the guys in the purple shirts. She still blames him for that because if he wouldn't have kissed her CJ wouldn't have gotten shot and she wouldn't have had to start that mission she was doing over. The slap shocked him so he sat back silently and watched her play for an hour before it was time for her to go home.

She stood up and he stood too , about to walk her to the door. Dreyah put a hand on his chest stopping him , he looked down at it curiously and when he looked up she kissed him. For a whole six seconds , then she pulled back and smiled , her braces gleaming in the light. "Walk me to school tomorrow , yeah?"

He nodded silently , stunned. She pecked him on the cheek once and left.

That's how they started dating , and they broke up when Bryson moved to Baltimore. Dreyah cried for ten days and her mom had filled the fridge with yogurt and grapes.

She stopped talking at school and lost the very little friends she had , she figured they were all fake anyway.

"No , what are you doing here? How you know Kirk?" He looked down at her.

Dreyah removed herself from the hug and stood back a bit , folding her arms across her midsection nervously. "Met him a while back , he used to date my cousin. You remember Amara right?" She rambled.

He squinted his eyes at her curiously before letting it go. "Well , where Kirk at? He rushed me over here and he ain't even here." Bryson sat on the bed , both hands gripping his phone  , head tipped back staring up at her. She stared back before looking away finding something less intense to stare at.

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