|W H E R E I T 'S A T|

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I woke up the next morning to loud knocking on the door. Groaning , I turned over and laid there for a couple seconds hoping the person would get impatient and give up. But they didn't sadly and I had to go and open the door.

Dragging my feet over to the door I snatched it open ready to yell at who ever it was.

"Yo , where the hell you been?" Kirk growled , visibly furious.

I had half a mind to close the door until I could think of a good excuse.

"I went home." I quitely spoke.

"But I told you I would pick you up , right?"


"Then why would you leave?!" He yelled.

I flinched. "Why are you even so mad? Its not that serious , you knew I would be here."

He chuckled humorlessly. "No , I didn't. I was actually real sure you was dead until I seen your mom on her way to work this morning and asked her where you were." He pushed me aside , walking in.

"Well , what do you want now? I was sleeping." I glanced over at the cable box , expecting to read the time but wasn't exactly shocked when I seen it was off.

Mom must've sacrificed the cable for water again.

"I need to know how much you made and how long you was out there." He pulled himself up to sit on the counter in the kitchen.

I stood across from him , leaning on the fridge. "I was out till about one thirty."

He stared at me with his eyebrows raised , waiting for me to tell him how much I made.

"I only sold like six , Kirk." I mumbled.

He waited.

"I got about $500." I shook my head.

Chuckling , he rubbed a hand over his face. " What you leave the block for? That's pocket change. This is why I told you to stay out there until I came to get you!" He hopped off the counter getting in my face.

I shoved him back on instinct. "Well , I couldn't stay!"

"Why the hell not?! I knew you were too innocent for this , I can't have you out here embarrassing me. Keep the money , don't come to me with this shit no more." He headed towards the door.

"Kirk , I can do this! It was my first night , but you have to believe me , I couldn't stay." I ran to block the door.

I needed this money , and I coudnt tell him what happened. He would think I was too problematic and drop me , I can't have that.

"What happened? You better give me a good reason." He glared down at me as my mind raced to find a good story.

I shifted on my feet. "The police came to the building , they were rushing in and brought somebody out but they stayed and searched the place even afterwards. It was too hot , I couldn't stay Kirk. I just need another block."

He stared for awhile after my explanation. Then randomly nodded , pushing me out of the way walking out of the door.

I sighed , falling onto the couch to catch some more sleep.


After waking up on the couch I went to shower. I still couldn't figure out how I was gonna ask Kirk to get me some protection. He wouldn't just give it to me obviously.

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