|H O T L I N E ● B L I N G|

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"Why the hell are we at a strip club?!" I yelled , glaring at Kirk like he had grown a second head.

He chuckled and opened his door stepping out. "Just come on. You ain't stripping , don't panic."

I sighed , following him into the building. When the door opened we were met with complete darkness , Kirk rubbed his hand along the wall finding a light switch to illuminate the hallway. The walls were red , black marble flooring , and there were golden candle holders on the walls. It reminded me of a haunted house honestly.

"This is so extra." I mumbled.

"Well , luckily you ain't gotta come in this way no more after tonight." Kirk unlocked a door and we walked in.

There were girls sitting at vanities lined up against the walls on both sides of the room. They stared at us as we walked in , it made me kind of uncomfortable but I kept up my tough exterior. I stood with a stone face , glancing over all of the girls like I couldn't care less about their existence. I was trying the whole "boss" look.

"Aight , you know what we here for. Get yours or don't , we got business to handle." Kirk spoke staring over the girls looking extremely uninterested. I guess he had done this before.

Almost immediately after he spoke, about thirteen of the twenty girls jumped up scurrying over to us. Kirk gave me a head nod and I grabbed the duffell bag from his hand , distributing the product as the girls brought their money up. I don't know why they needed the drugs but I was happy to finally be out touching money again. I missed the business.

"You owe me fifty more." I spoke , noticing the last girl was a bit short. She gave me a confused look before rolling her eyes and walking away.

It was shocking how angry I got so fast. I felt like I had a fire burning in my stomach. There was this pressure in my head that made me feel so hostile , and in a split second I had her by the hair dragging her towards the door. I threw her against the wall and snatched the small bag of white powder from her hand. I then squatted down to her level to tell her something. "I don't know who you been buying from , but you will never , ever , play me. This ain't personal , just business , so next time just fucking pay me." I hissed bitterly. Turning to face the rest of the room , I stood slowly. The girls were staring at me and Kirk was too. Except they looked shocked and he looked mad.

"She try to short you?" He questioned staring over at the girl , I nodded.

Kirk clenched his jaw walking towards her. "Get up." He barked.

She stood hastily , fixing her hair and walking out of the door , Kirk following suit. I watched them leave , then turned around to face the girls again. They stared at me and I didn't actually know what to do so I just stared back.

"Celeste." One random girl walked up , holding her hand out in greeting. I noticed she wasn't one that stood to buy. It's great that the first person I meet isn't an addict. At least that turned out right.

"Angela." I responded , shaking the girls hand. Of course I wasn't going to tell her my real name , just in case her intent wasn't completely friendly or maybe the wrong person was listening.

She stepped closer , like she wanted to tell a secret. "That was Gina. She used to mess around with Kirk , we don't know if she still does but the way he just handled her..." Celeste shook her head in a dissproving way. "Don't worry about her though , she's a junkie and is always mad at the world. Unless it's Kirk , then she's falling all over herself." She rolled her eyes.

Laughing , I nodded. "Thanks for the intel , darling. How old are you?" She looked not a day over eighteen.

" Old enough to get naked and dance on a pole , apparently. " She shrugged , walking away.

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