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Malik was jolted awake when he heard an alarming 'bang!'. He quickly sat up , grabbing his gun from under his pillow , walking slowly to his bedroom door. Before he could open it , it began to open slowly and in walked Tierra , his girlfriend. His shoulders lost their tension for a second before he seen the hand on the back of her neck , and as she walked into the door more he could see a gun pressed to the back of her head.

"Tierra , what the f-" He started.

"Shut the fuck up , Malik!" She urged , frightened.

He stared at her , a slight trembling in his muscles from this unexpected situation.

"I suggest you drop that gun , homie." The voice of who ever was holding the gun to her head spoke.

Tierra begged him with her eyes to put the gun down. He didn't want to but he did anyway , because she was scared. He didn't want her to be scared.

As soon as he tossed the gun across the room , the gun holder barged into the room followed by two other guys. All three of them were extremely familiar and Malik suddenly regretted throwing his gun away.

"How you doing? You miss me?" Kirk put on a mischievous smirk.

"Look , this shit is between me and you , leave my girl out of this!" Malik urged. He figured he was gonna go down tonite no matter what , but Tierra didn't deserve any of this.

Just then , Kirk's face switched completely. His smirk disappeared and it was replaced with a glare of anger. His eyes widened and as he stared at Malik it seemed that he was looking straight through to his soul.

"Leave her out? You want me to leave her out of this?" Kirk started to laugh madly. He stopped abruptly to yank Tierra by her hair and slapped her across the face with his pistol. Her lip leaked the crimson liquid that was fiercely pumping through her veins. "Fuck her!"

Bishop stared from beside Kirk , ready to make some shit happen. He didn't care for all this weird stuff , he just wanted to do what he came to do. "Look , just take her to the spot , we got niggas waiting to have fun with that." He spoke to Kirk.

"And you coming with us." He quickly hit Malik with an unexpected blow to the side of his face , knocking him off his balance for a moment. It was Bryson's time to get him and put cable ties around his wrists. He punched him an additional time just to make sure he didn't move too much and placed another cable tie around his ankles.

"Aight , take him out. I got her." Kirk spoke , snatching Tierra to a standing position.

Bryson and Bishop carried Malik out to the white van parked in the back of the apartment building. They placed him into the back , careful not to break anything in his body due to the awkward position. Wouldn't want him dying from infection before they can have fun.


Dreyah laid across the same hotel bed she has been for the week and three days they've been here. She was sad , confused , and just weak. Bryson was her first love , the first person to make her genuinely happy since she was a child. But , she couldn't deny that the flame they once possessed had been snuffed out. He was still attractive , charming , and perfect but she had found something new.

Kirk. She had accidentally fallen for him and she didn't know what to do about it. There was no doubt in her mind that she loved the guy. This wasn't supposed to happen , but it did. She didn't know what to do , what she would do if he didn't love her back , or how to let him know how she felt.

Her sadness was not healed by the song she had on repeat , which was 'Weak' by Wet. It only made her more sad but she just couldn't turn it off.

"Baby , please don't leave me , you are all I ever need." She sung along lowly.

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