|S W E E T|

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Me and Kirk ended up in the mall about an hour after I left the hospital. We were in some really expensive store right now that I cannot remember the name of.

"So , you want to look at the dresses or something?" Kirk questioned , looking around like he was just as lost as me.

I winced. "Ew , I don't wear dresses."

"What girl doesn't wear dresses?"
I straight-faced him. "This one."

"Well , you gone wear one tomorrow." Kirk grabbed my arm , dragging me towards the dress section. I looked around at the options , feeling extremely pressured.

Kirk pointed over to this black bodycon dress , asking me if I liked it. I was kind of skeptical about how it would fit , I didn't like tight things.

"Don't you think it would be too tight?" I questioned , teasing the material as I scanned it.

He shrugged. "The tighter the better." Kirk pushed me towards a dressing room and when I entered I noticed he was too.

"What are you doing?" I placed my hand on his chest , pushing him out of the stall.

"Ain't no benches out here , I'm trying to sit down." He shrugged , like seeing me change was no big deal.

"Sit on the floor." I closed the door in his face.

After putting the dress on I noticed it was indeed very tight. It showed off my shape , which I honestly didn't like. I felt very exposed and naked. This is why I don't like dresses...

"Come on , hurry up!" Kirk called from the door.

"It doesn't fit." I whined.

"What? Let me see."

I opened the door slowly , and Kirk glanced at my face before looking over the dress.

"Yes it does..." He mumbled , staring at my body. If I wasn't uncomfortable at first , I was practically frightened now. Wrapping my arms around my waist , I looked over at the mirror.

"You don't think it's too tight? Maybe I should try a different one , this one makes my butt look huge." I complained , self consciously pulling at the dress.

Kirk stepped into the dressing room , still checking me out but being more discrete this time. "I think it looks nice. So , you buying it or what?" He sat on the bench.

I guess if he thought it looked good....not saying his opinion matters , it's just that maybe I only think it's ugly on me because I'm me. Maybe it looks cute to the outside world.

I smiled in the mirror. "Yea. Maybe I should get different colors."

He smiled too , standing behind me with his hand resting at the small of my back. "Whatever you want , ma."


By the time I was done shopping Kirk was passed annoyed and giving me the silent treatment again. He was such a child.

"Are you serious? Kirk don't do this." I slung a bag at his arm , almost making him drop the ones he was holding. The glare he gave me was deadly.

"Come on , you know what happened last time you gave me the silent treatment. It's bad luck , dude." I sighed.

He glanced at me , rolling his eyes and mumbling what I'm pretty sure were insults. Just then a car came out of no where and almost hit us , but it did a sharp turn and stopped right in front of him.

"See?" I chuckled , after recovering from the shock.

Kirk looked upset , but at the driver of the car I believe. "Yo , who the hell gave you your licence!? Get your dumb ass shot! Almost ran me over!" He shouted at the guy , who looked really scared may I add.

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