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When Bishop came and got Dreyah  he asked questions , and she answered all of them. This resulted in him finding out about the coke she almost did and how Kirk kicked her out. Bishop was a bit angry that Kirk would throw her out without listening but he decided to excuse him since he was unaware of her current state.

That was two days ago , and she still couldn't stop thinking about how angry it makes her that Kirk probably really believes she's a drug addict.

"When you gone tell him?" Bishop questioned randomly. They were in his room , laying in his bed watching The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

"Tell who what?" Dreyah spoke blandly , wiggling her toes in the new colorful socks Bishop ordered for her. She had seen them on TV and begged him to buy them , so now she wouldn't take them off.

"Kirk...when are you gonna tell him about Joey?"

Dreyah felt herself go numb on the inside , all the color around her faded and all she could see was black and white. A depressing soundtrack of Martin Payne telling Pam some harsh joke about her weave while Joey slapped and scratched her played in the back of her mind.

"I won't tell him anything , he doesn't want to see me anymore." She shrugged sitting up in the bed. Bishop watched her rub her hand over her thigh absentmindedly. He knew that under her pants there lied a scar , the one from the bullet that left her body just a few inches above at her hip.

He stared for a few more seconds before scooting up just enough to lay his head in her lap and wrap his arms around her waist. "Well , fuck him then." He shrugged , continuing to watch the episode of Fresh Prince.

Dreyah chuckled , pushing her fingers through Bishop's black hair. "Yea..."


"Dreyah , it's August why you got on Christmas stuff?" Bishop laughed as he watched her dance around the kitchen in Christmas themed attire.

She smiled slightly , turning toward him. "It's cold outside though. We should watch polar express , I can make cocoa and we can put marshmallows in it!"

Bishop walked toward her slowly , making sure not to touch her unexpectantly , he leaned on the counter next to her. "We can do that." He spoke softly. "We can do what ever you want."

She seemed happy , and he felt a sense of relief. He thought that she had finally began to heal and that was all he wanted anyway , for her to be okay.

Dreyah grinned shyly. "You know , I work again tonight. We should go shopping tomorrow." She picked at the wool material on her tights.

"Yea , I'm paying right?" Bishop chuckled , going in the cabinet pulling out the cocoa mix.

She grabbed it and put it up again. "I'm making it from scratch. And no , I planned to use my own money , thank you very much."

"Oh , ok." He chuckled. "What? You got savings?"

She nodded , grabbing a bag of chocolate from the fridge. Bishop didn't even know they had that...

"I have practically everything I earned. I didn't buy anything except that stupid coat for my mom , the gold watch and two phones. The one I broke and the one I bought after I broke that one." Shrugging , Dreyah turned on a burner and poured the chocolate into the pot.

Bishop crossed his arms , watching her work. "Why don't we just go today then? It'll be on me , you should keep your money , for that car you're saving up for."

She stopped for a second but didn't look back , then continued her assignment. "That's fine , but I'm not getting that car anytime soon. Maybe by my birthday next year..."

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