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*omniscient point of view for this chapter*

Dreyah woke up and glanced around. Not really registering anything until she sat up and seen red marks on her leg where Joey scratched her in his rush to get her underwear off. Everything flooded back into her remembrance and she sat silently staring at the wall. Her body felt hollow and weightless. The only thing she felt was sadness. It was almost as if that was the only thing left inside of her.

Dragging her legs up toward her chest she looked down at the sheets , finding her purse at the end of the bed and the area right beneath her stained with blood. She assumed this would be the time to cry but she just couldn't bring herself to. She was exhausted , worn out.

Slowly moving to the edge of the bed to grab her purse , Dreyah pulled out her phone. Joey was gone , leaving no evidence of his being there. No evidence except the constant mental replaying of her rape , the scratches on her legs and arms , the red marks on her left thigh and the soreness in her wrists from being held so tightly for so long. So , she dialed Bishop's number.

"Hello?" He answered sleepily.

"Can you come get me?" Dreyah realized how dry her throat was when she heard the raspiness of her voice.

She heard him shift. "Where Joey ass at?"

"He had to leave , there was an emergency or something." Lying was easy , she thought.

Bishop hesitated for a few moments. "Aight man , text me the location."

Dreyah hung up , doing as she was instructed.

She slowly stood , making her way to the bathroom. Glancing in the mirror she hurriedly looked away. Not being able to bear seeing herself like that. Her hair was messy , tear tracks were marked by her running mascara , her lip stick was smudged by Joey's rough kisses. She looked like she had been ravished...

She first washed her face of all makeup , scrubbing it so hard it turned red momentarily. Moving on to her hair she simply took the pony tail holder she had for the bun and gave herself a regular messy ponytail after somewhat de-tangling her hair with her fingers.

Her dress was still intact minus the wrinkles it suffered from being pushed up to her stomach for hours. She stared at herself in the mirror for awhile. After about 50 seconds she clutched her stomach leaning over the toilet , throwing up. Although disgusted with herself , she would credit the throwing up to something she ate last night.

Because , lying was easy.

Hearing her phone ring from the hotel bed she slowly scuffled out of the bathroom to answer it.

"Bishop said Joey left you at the hotel. What the fuck he leave you for?" Kirk spoke angrily through the phone.

Dreyah winced. "Don't curse this early in the morning , Kirk."

"Why did he leave you , Dre? I keep telling you that nigga ain't shit yo! When the fuck you gonna start listening?"

"Kirk , I don't feel like doing this shit with you right now!" She threw the phone against the wall , it shattered and hit the ground. Dreyah watched the screen flicker on and off before going black.

She plopped onto the bed , grabbing her heels and her purse , leaving the room and every ounce of her pride behind.


After waiting outside for almost 15 minutes , Dreyah finally seen Bishop's black car pulling up in front of the hotel. She got into the car silently , barely refraining from slamming the door. Emotions were a complicated subject for her right now , she didn't really know how she felt so frustration was easier than trying to fix whatever part of her had been shattered in that hotel room.

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