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omniscient still.

The next couple of days went by in a blur of , sadness , screaming , sobbing , and silence. Dreyah didn't know what to do with herself so she did nothing. She sat in her room , ate sometimes , showered all the time , worked at the club , and kept saying she was gonna buy a new phone soon.

Bishop was starting to worry. Dreyah had been acting weird ever since the day he had to pick her up from the hotel , at first he thought nothing of it but now he's noticing she really might not be okay. All she does all day is sleep , shower , barely eat , and sit in her room with the lights off. He hasn't seen Joey around lately , so he's guessing maybe they broke up or something. No , that wouldn't make her that sad , he thought.

Maybe she's still sad about her mom. Bishop nodded to himself , satisfied with that answer. He got up walking through the loft , finding Dreyah standing next to the microwave staring at the floor.

"Dre?" He spoke quietly , stopping right in front of her.

She looked up at him blankly.

So , he continued. "I know why you've been so sad lately."

She went still , and didn't move a muscle. When he said nothing else , she returned to her blank stare and opened the microwave , grabbing her hot pocket and walking away. He followed her.

Climbing into bed , she began to nibble at the Hot Pocket , the extremely hot bread burning her lips and hands.

"Dreyah , you don't have to hide anything from me. You don't have to be sad , aight? You can talk to me." Bishop spoke , and she didn't even look at him. Just stared at the TV and nibbled at her Hot Pocket.

Bishop walked over and sat next to her on the bed , he put his arm around her. "All you gotta do is talk to me Dre."

Dreyah felt a sudden rush of sadness , and she just wanted to cry , she wanted to cry so hard but she didn't want to do it in front of Bishop. Nevertheless, when one tear fell and he held her tighter she fell apart. Shaking and sobbing; she wanted to let it go , just let it all go.

"Damn girl , I know Joey ugly ass can't make you this sad." Bishop mumbled. "What happened?"

She stared up at him , misery pouring in waves from her body. "He hurt me , Bishop. H-He ruined me."

His eyes widened , not understanding what she meant but figured what ever the hell she was talking about must have been serious if she was this hurt. "What he do?"

She cried harder , burying her face in his chest. Bishop rubbed a hand up and down her back. "I can't help if you don't tell me nothing , baby."

Dreyah muttered something into his shirt but he didn't quite hear her , so he asked her to repeat it.

"I said." She sat up , attempting to wipe away her tears. Going completely stone faced she murmured the three words that split Bishop right down the middle.

"He raped me."

He stared at her for a second before hopping up quickly from the bed , snatching his phone out of his back pocket and fast walking into the hallway. After realizing what he was doing Dreyah hurriedly wiped away her tears , hobbling on weak legs to the hallway snatching his phone away right before he pressed 'call'.

"You can't tell him!" She screamed.

Bishop snatched his phone back , staring at her like she was crazy. "What you mean? I gotta kill that nigga Dre! I have to tell Kirk , we can't just let him roam free!"

"You don't understand." She cried.

"What don't I understand? Tell me." He snapped.

She sighed , pushing a hand through her hair. "Just please. For me , don't tell Kirk. I'll tell him , it's mine to tell."

Bishop stood for a minute , silently studying her. Then finally he angrily powered off his phone and dropped it back into his back pocket.

"Can you hug me again?" Dreyah opened her arms , eyes shiny and red from all her crying. Bishop let her fall into his chest. He couldn't believe he had let something like this happen , he should've been paying attention. This couldn't have happened if he would have been looking out for her.

Mentally cursing himself Bishop kisses Dreyah's forehead. At least she's alright , she made it.

He hated himself , but he loved her. And she made it , so he would be okay.

They would be okay.


No lyrics this chapter :). Anyway , this was kind of short guys and I'm sorry but you knoooww. Thank you for reading by the way.


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