PART 4 :

48 11 1

" Alaya do you like Hamdan ? " hearing that her eyes go wide but then she behaves normal and said " No Mumma why would I like him? you know that I'm not interested in anyone then why are you asking this?"

( while in her heart : yes Mumma he is the first person in my life whom I have liked but can't say it out loud )

her mother replied " I know dear I was just asking. OK now let's go to our neighbors house " she said while wiping her hands with towel " no Mumma I need to change how can i go there in these pajamas wait for me I'm coming in few minutes " she said and run to the room . while her mother packing some sweets after a few minutes Alaya come to the lounge wearing another white dress ( Author's POV : Alaya loves to wear white colour dresses) where her mother was waiting for her. " Who takes so long? again you wore white Uff Allah this girl and her obsession over white dresses! Let's go now" they went out .

( At mrs Ayzel house )
" Mumma the door bell is not working let's knock the door " Alaya said after trying many times , her mother nodded and knock the door after a few minutes the door got open where Hazel standing there with a smile on her face " Assalam u alaikum mami ." ( Author's POV : Mrs Ayzel is Alaya's grandmother's sister's daughter, that's why Hazel calls mrs Maliha mami ." i hope you guys understand " ) she said while hugging mrs Maliha and she greets her back but then she heard Alaya's voice from behind her " I am also here Hazel meet me also " ," ohh I thought that mami came here alone ! " come here my ' Moro ' how are you? " she said while side hug her " your ' Moro ' is perfect " she said returning the hug. After greetings she take both of them inside and there they both meets with mrs Ayzel after that they all were sitting in living room when Mrs Ayzel said " congratulations Maliha I'm very happy that finally my daughter Laraib is getting married but Maliha you just have only two weeks for the marriage how are you going to manage everything in this mean time? " mrs Maliha replied " don't worry there's nothing much to do , its just a simple wedding so no need to worry about that ." they start chatting about the marriage while on the other side hazel and Alaya were fighting " hawww you liar you are lying again Alaya i don't want to talk to you " she said and turn her face on the other side , noticing this Alaya immediately turned to her and said " Hazel I'm not lying please believe me infect about the marriage I also got to know at morning please don't be mad I'm sorry ."
after a few minutes she forgives Alaya and start chatting with her but all of a sudden Alaya remember something and she stop talking just then hazel looks at her and asked " what happened ? " Alaya replied " yaah your door bell is not working properly please check it " oooh yes..." she was completing her sentence but then someone enter in living room and everyone looked at the person who enters " Assalam u alaikum " he said while coming towards them, hearing his deep voice Alaya's heart starts beating soo fast and goosebumps spread all over her body . " Walaikum Assalam Hamdan ! How are you doing son?" , " Alhumdulilah aunty I'm perfectly fine ." he said while looking at Mrs Maliha " Mumma we will be going to Hazel room OK " Alaya said hurriedly while holding hazel's hand was about to go but just then Hamdan eyes land on her petite figure who was wearing a white knee length shirt , white loose trousers with multi colored dupatta and a skin colored hijab . He forgot to blink for a second then all of a sudden he whisper something unexpected and he didn't realize that he said this a little out loud " ADORABLE " hearing that Alaya's eyes go wide but then she thought that maybe she heard wrong so she asked him again " what did you say ? " He got shocked when he realized what he just said then he recover it by saying " D-doorbell the door bell is not working properly maybe so I was just going to check it " he said that and quickly left from there.

( Author's POV : wesy achy khaasy word 'ADORABLE' ko 'DOORBELL' bana diya is bandy ny 🤦‍♀ .)

( In Hazel's room)
" How much fun it's going to be! I'm so thrilled to be at Laraib sister's wedding!" Hazel exclaimed with joy ."Yes, I'm also very excited, but you seem even more happy than usual. Is there a special reason?" Alaya asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at her suspiciously. "There's nothing, it's just that after such a long time, there's a wedding at my aunt's house, so it's natural to be happy." She said this, winking at Alaya after that, the two of them started discussing their exams and studies. A little while later, a voice came from outside, "Alaya, come on, where are you? Come quickly! " She heard her mother's voice and said goodbye to Hazel, and came out. "Yes, mother, let's go." Both of them went home.

( At home )
Alaya went to the kitchen, and her mother sat down in the lounge. "What were you talking about with phupo for so long?" she said, coming out of the kitchen. "Nothing, we were just discussing the wedding preparations,"
Just then, the doorbell rang. "Let me see, mother, just a minute," she said, and went to open the door. When she opened it, there was a delivery man standing there. He handed her a parcel, Alaya read the name and address and signed it, then closed the door and came back inside. "Who was it?" her mother asked. "It was the delivery man, someone has sent me a parcel," Alaya said, examining the package by turning it over and over. "One thing's for sure, your online shopping habit is never-ending. You get parcels every week ! I'm going to make dinner, tell everyone to finish their work and come to the dining table." Before Alaya could say anything, mrs. Maliha said this and went into the kitchen on the other hand, Alaya, after hearing her mother's words, went to put the parcel in her room while thinking who can send her a parcel .


( In room )
"After dinner, everyone went to their rooms. Alaya also, after praying Isha's prayer, sat down at her study table, staring at the parcel in front of her. The room was dimly lit because Inaya and Ayaan were sleeping. After thinking for a long time, she opened the parcel and, after seeing what was inside, her eyes widened in shock and remained fixed in a stunned gaze there were her pictures inside, and along with them, a beautiful letter that, as she read it, sent shivers down her spine and made her tremble. The letter read: " I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH, MY LOVE. WE WILL MEET SOON. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, YOUR ONLY LOVER ."


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