PART 39 :

39 11 3

( At night )
There hadn't been any conversation between Alaya and Hamdan since the morning. Alaya seemed quite disturbed; the news of Mirral's death had deeply shocked her.

When she heard about her death that morning, she had abruptly ended the call. She was visibly shaken and hadn't discussed it with Hamdan .

Just as Alaya stepped out of the kitchen after preparing dinner, she heard the sound of the main door opening. She turned to see Hamdan entering. He removed his shoes and took off his coat, holding it in his hand.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Alaya standing there, watching him. In the next moment, he felt Alaya in his arms, giving him a very tight hug .

Hamdan couldn't help but smile, feeling a wave of happiness wash over him. He held Alaya tightly in his arms and, in a deep voice, whispered in her ear, " I'm surprised; you've never welcomed me like this before. Is there something special today ? "

Alaya felt goosebumps spread all over her body at the sound of his voice. She pulled back slightly and said, " Nothing special, really. I just promised myself that I would treat my future husband with lots of love and care. So, I'm just fulfilling that promise."

Saying this, she turned towards the kitchen, leaving Hamdan standing there, staring after her. He couldn't believe his ears-was he really hearing this, or was it all just a dream ?

Hamdan sat on the couch, placed his coat to the side, and kept smiling as he relived Alaya's words and her heartfelt hug. Just then, Alaya walked into the lounge with a glass of water. She handed it to him and then sat down right next to him .

Alaya was unusually quiet, and Hamdan could sense her silence. After finishing his water, he turned fully toward her and looked into her eyes, which seemed lost in thought.

He took her hand, and she snapped back to reality. " What's wrong ? Why is my wife so quiet ? " he asked gently.

Alaya looked into his eyes, which was filled with love, and she quickly averted her gaze. " Khan , I'm really upset about Miraal's death. To be honest, I don't even understand why I feel so bad about it. A-After everything she did to us, s-she deserved it, r-right ? "

Her voice trembled, and Hamdan could sense that she was on the verge of tears. He pulled her into a side hug, offering her comfort .

"Alaya, there's nothing wrong with feeling this way," Hamdan said softly. "It's natural for us humans to feel empathy for others, even if they've wronged us. It's what makes us human. We feel all kinds of emotions, and that's okay."

He paused, gently turning Alaya to face him. Her eyes, wet with unshed tears, looked into his. "It's our ability to feel that makes us who we are," he continued. "And it's perfectly fine to be affected by Miraal's death, even if she hurt us."

Hamdan gently wiped away her tears and placed a tender kiss on her forehead. " Come on now, stop crying . I'll go freshen up, and then we'll have dinner, alright ? "

Alaya managed a small smile and nodded slightly. Hamdan picked up his coat and headed to their room to freshen up. Meanwhile, Alaya started setting the table for dinner, trying to distract herself from the day's events .

Few minutes later...
Both of them were eating dinner and spending a pleasant time together. There was silence between them, but it was a beautiful silence that felt very peaceful. Then Alaya looked at Hamdan, who was busy eating, and breaking the silence, she said, "Khan, can we go to Pakistan?"

Hamdan, who was eating, stopped abruptly upon hearing her question and looked at her. Then he smiled and said, "Hmm, we can definitely go. But why do you want to go? Any special reason?"

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