PART 14 :

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MIRAAL : " No, how could I possibly love someone like him? He doesn't even know the first thing about fashion, he's just so simple and boring, and I don't like him at all," Miraal said with a scornful tone, her voice dripping with disdain and contempt, making it clear that she has no interest in Hamdan.

ALAYA : " So, why are you ruining his life, Miraal? He hasn't done anything wrong to you, why are you doing this to him? Your enmity is with me, not him, so please spare him!" Alaya pleaded, her voice filled with concern and compassion for Hamdan, begging Miraal to let go of her grudge against him.

MIRAAL : " If anything bad happens to him, you'll also suffer, that's what I thought when I trapped him in my web, my dear. And your liking for him also hurt me deeply, that's why I wanted to snatch away your happiness," Miraal said, revealing her twisted motivations and the depth of her resentment towards Alaya.

MIRAAL : " Okay, I'll talk to you later, Hamdan is calling me, my baby," Miraal said with a sly smile, using a tone that was deliberately hurtful and condescending, as if rubbing salt into Alaya's wounds, implying a romantic relationship with Hamdan that would only add to Alaya's pain.

Miraal didn't even give Alaya a chance to respond, she just abruptly cut the call, leaving Alaya stunned and speechless, with a million emotions swirling in her head, feeling helpless and hurt by Miraal's cruel words and actions.

Alaya collapsed onto the bed, her eyes streaming with tears like a waterfall, her mind reeling in disbelief. She couldn't accept that her friend, whom she had trusted and confided in, had been using her all along, and was now manipulating her crush for her own selfish reasons. The shock and betrayal cut deep, leaving Alaya feeling shattered and heartbroken.

" What has happened? What have I done to deserve this? What sin have I committed that I'm facing such difficulties? I have never wishes evil for anyone, then why is this happening ? And what sin has Hamdan committed that he's being punished like this ? He was innocent, what mistake did he make by falling in love with Miraal ? Oh Allah, please help Hamdan, open his eyes before it's too late, don't let his live be ruined . "

Her sobs showed no signs of stopping, she was crying so intensely . The pain and anguish were so overwhelming that it felt like her very existence was being torn apart, and her heart was on the verge of shattering into a million pieces.

( AUTHOR'S POV : " Many friendships in life are damaged or destroyed due to jealousy and envy. Some friendships are strong, but others are like this, where one person only looks out for their own interests and doesn't care about the other person's well-being. They only see what they can gain from the friendship, not the value of the relationship itself. " )

Alaya finally gained the strength to stand up and walked towards the mirror. She looked at her reflection and laughed at her own state, realizing how foolish she had been. She had no idea about the world and its ways, and she couldn't even comprehend her own naivety. She wondered if she should be proud of her innocence or feel sorry for herself. Her eyes welled up with tears as she gazed at her reflection, feeling a mix of emotions - sadness, anger, and disappointment. She was struggling to come to terms with the harsh reality that had shaken her trust and faith in people. She wiped away her tears , took one last look at herself , and decided to change .

After offering her Isha prayer, she was supplicating to her Allah, pleading for guidance and solace in the still of the night, when all were asleep. It is said that during this hour, Allah descends to the lowest heaven, and if His faithful servants ask for something, He will grant it to them. With a sincere heart, she was seeking comfort, strength, and wisdom to navigate the challenges she faced, trusting in the mercy and grace of her Creator.

( Next Day )
She had stayed up late the previous night, which was why she didn't wake up early in the morning. But when she heard some noise coming from the living room, her eyes opened . The noise was a stark contrast to the peacefulness of her slumber, and it took her a moment to regain her bearings and shake off the grogginess.

With great difficulty, she managed to get out of bed, but as soon as she stood up, everything went dark in front of her eyes, and she collapsed back onto the bed. She couldn't understand what was happening to her, and she started calling out to her mother, " Mom ! Mom, please come to my room, I have a headache and can't even get up, please come quickly ! "

Her weak and pained voice was heard by her family in the living room, and they immediately rushed to her room. When they saw her trying to get up, her body shaking violently, they were shocked and concerned.

As soon as she tried to stand up and walk, everything went dark in front of her eyes again, and she was about to fall when she felt someone catching her by the waist , but before she could see who was holding her , everything went black .

( At Hospital )
She gradually regained consciousness and was hit with the pungent smell of medicines surrounding her, which made her wrinkle her nose in distaste. She slowly opened her eyes, and the first person she wanted to see was her parents , but unfortunately, there was no one in the room. She scanned the entire room, her gaze finally falling on the door, which creaked open, and her father walked in, accompanied by a doctor.

" Alaya, how are you feeling now ? " The doctor asked with concern, and Alaya just nodded, then looked at her father, who appeared very worried. After checking Alaya, the doctor explained everything to her father, then left the room . "Just a little while longer, and you'll be discharged. Then we'll go home and talk, okay ? " Mr. Burhan said, showering affection on Alaya's head, which made her feel a mix of emotions. She closed her eyes, trying to process everything.

( At home )
They reached home, where the entire family was worried sick. As soon as Mr. Burhan and Alaya entered the lounge, Mrs. Maliha immediately rushed to Alaya, hugged her tightly, and kiss on her head ." What happened to my child ? Has someone cast an evil eye on her ? I don't know what's going on ! " Mrs. Maliha said, sitting Alaya down beside her and embracing her tightly . Mr. Burhan explained, " The doctor said she fainted due to stress and also has a poor diet, which has caused weakness. She needs to eat properly and take good care of herself, no more tension." Hearing this, everyone's tension eased a bit, and Mrs. Ayzel, who was sitting with Hazel, also felt a sense of relief.

The entire day passed with everyone surrounding Alaya, showering her with love and attention, which made her eyes well up with tears again and again. She wasn't used to receiving so much care and affection, and it was all too overwhelming for her .


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