PART 18 :

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After dinner, the family members said their goodbyes and left for their homes, but the younger generation was still outside, engaged in a lively discussion. Some were suggesting they should go get ice cream, while others were saying it was too late and they should head home. But after some convincing, they finally decided to go for ice cream. Miraal, Inaya, and Ayaan were in Hamdan's car, while Hazel and Alaya were with Yahya in his car. As they drove, they were all chatting excitedly, heading towards the ice cream parlor.

( At Ice-cream Parlor )
Hamdan and Yahya asked everyone about their favorite flavors and then headed to the counter to order ice cream. The rest of the group sat at a table, waiting for them to return with the treats . As they were ordering ice cream, Hamdan's gaze fell on Alaya, who was in a very joyful mood, laughing and chatting with everyone. Her happiness was so infectious that it made Hamdan smile too, and he returned his attention to the counter with a subtle smile, unaware that one person had noticed his brief moment of delight .

They both returned with ice cream and handed out everyone's favorite flavors, which were mostly chocolate, except for Hazel who had asked for mint and Alaya who had chosen strawberry. As they were all enjoying their ice cream, Hazel looked at everyone and said, " How can you guys eat this chocolate ice cream ? It's so bitter and overpowering ! I hate it " She made a funny face to express her distaste, which made Yahya's hand, holding his own ice cream, freeze in mid-air. He gazed at Hazel with a mock-offended expression, while Hamdan struggled to hold back his laughter.

" I'm losing my appetite for this chocolate ice cream too, seeing her hatred for it ! " Yahya leaned in towards Hamdan and said , who burst out laughing. The others were confused, but then Alaya spoke up, " Hazel's right, chocolate is a terrible flavor ! I had it once and it made me sick, that's why I hate it too." Alaya shared her honest opinion, and Yahya replied, "Looks like we have two chocolate haters here! I don't think I'll be able to finish this ice cream, does anyone want it ? " He looked around and Ayaan quickly nodded, " Yeah, I'll take it, no problem ! " Ayaan showed off his teeth as he spoke, and everyone laughed at his antics .

Yahya said, "But now you're tempting me with ice cream after all the insults you've hurled at chocolate flavor? Give me your ice cream, you cruel people!" He looked at Hazel and Alaya, and they both immediately stretched out their hands towards him, saying, " Here ! Take it, see we care for you ! " Alaya said with a smile, "Yeah, take it ! You've got two lovely sisters here ! " Hazel chimed in, but Yahya's face fell when he heard the word "sister". Just then, Hamdan burst out laughing from the side, and Yahya turned to him with a mock-offended expression, saying, " Your time will come too bro, and I'll laugh at you just like this ! " Yahya's teeth were clenched in a fake scowl .

Everyone finished their ice cream and heading outside when Hamdan gestured to Alaya to stop . She was initially confused, wondering if he was signaling to her or someone else. But when she saw him looking directly at her, she halted, still confused, and gazed at him. Meanwhile, the others had already gone outside, but Miraal, who had noticed Hamdan's gesture, discreetly stopped at a distance and stood there, observing the scene unfold .

Hamdan took a step closer to Alaya, and she asked him, " What happened ? " He took a deep breath before speaking in a soft and gentle tone, " I'm sorry for my rude behavior last time. I was wrong to speak to you like that." Alaya was initially confused, unsure what Hamdan was apologizing for, but when she realized what he was referring to, she quickly replied, "It's okay ! But what I said was true, and you should think about it." She spoke calmly and peacefully, then turned to leave, spotting Miraal at the door and pausing for a moment. She then flashed a smile and continued on her way out .

Miraal also went back to the car, looking annoyed, and sat down with a huff. Hamdan also come out , getting into the driver's seat. He had been about to drop Miraal off at her home first , and now they were headed there, while driving he noticed that miraal is looking a bit annoyed or maybe angry so he asked her " what's wrong ? "

( AUTHOR'S POV : " Guys want to clear one thing is that everyone went in Yahya's car because hamdan had to drop miraal at her home that's why ! " )

Miraal turned to him, her face filled with disdain, and said, " What's wrong with you ? " She then turned away, her expression unyielding. Hamdan felt a pang of concern and asked again, "What's happened ? Are you upset with me?" He spoke softly, trying to placate her. Miraal's response was laced with irritation, "You're always talking to Alaya! Keep away from her, I don't like your interactions with her!" She continued to vent her frustration, and Hamdan was taken aback, slamming on the brakes in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing - Miraal's words were a revelation he hadn't expected .

" What are you saying ? Alaya is my cousin, I can talk to her if I want ! Why are you getting jealous ? You two are best friends, aren't you ? " Hamdan asked, his eyes filled with curiosity and surprise. Miraal responded with a hint of bitterness, " She's not my friend, calling her my enemy would be more fitting . " Hamdan was taken aback by her words, feeling a pang of sadness and confusion. Before their engagement, Miraal had never spoken ill of Alaya, in fact, she would often praise her. But now, after the engagement, both of them were behaving strangely, and Hamdan couldn't understand why .

"What's happened between you two that you're speaking so negatively about each other ? You're acting like enemies, not friends," Hamdan said, trying to calm himself down and understand the situation. " This mean our friendship is over ! We won't even talk to each other anymore . And please, don't even mention her name in front of me," Miraal said, turning her face away and gazing out the window. Hamdan was still confused, " But something must have happened, right? There must be a reason why your friendship ended so abruptly. "

Hamdan realized that Miraal was crying, so he softened his tone and asked, " Miraal, what's wrong ? Why are you crying ? Please explain everything to me so I can understand the problem." Miraal lifted her tear-stained eyelids and looked at him, but what she says next makes hamdan freeze in his place . " HAMDAN, ALAYA THREATENED ME, TELLING ME TO STAY AWAY FROM YOU AND THAT I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU . "


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