PART 9 :

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"I feel so sorry to see your report, dear! " The doctor said in a very pitiful tone, Mr. Burhan was troubled to hear this and started looking at Alaya, who was sitting peacefully. The doctor, understand his distress and consoled him saying, " You don't need to worry, she can recover from this. Its just start of her miagraine, we'll prescribe some exercises and medication , if you want quick recovery then you must have to strictly follow our instructions." After taking the doctor's instructions in hand, they left the hospital and headed home.

There was a lot of silence in the car, which Mr. Burhan broke by saying, " Alaya, are you okay? You didn't react at all when you heard about your reports. You were silent in the hospital, and you're still very quite . What's wrong dear ? " They asked her with great love and concern then Alaya replied, " Nothing, Dad, I was already expecting something like this in the report, so I'm not too shocked. And relax there's no need to be worried . You've heard ! what the doctor said - I'll recover soon. So please focus on Laraib's wedding preparations, don't worry about me, I can take care of myself, Dad ." Alaya said this with a very soft and loving tone, comforting her father .

Mr Burhan gazed at her with a warm smile and lovingly patted Alaya's head, his gentle touch filling her with a sense of comfort and security. Alaya's eyes brimmed with tears, and her heart ached to burst into sobs, but she restrained herself, gazing out the window instead, lost in thought."

( At Home )
When they arrived home, Alaya went straight to the kitchen, while Mr. Burhan sat with his wife in the lounge. Mrs. Maliha asked, 'What did the doctor say ? " Before Mr. Burhan could respond, Alaya emerged from the kitchen saying , " Mama, it's nothing serious, I just have a migraine. The doctor said it'll get better with medicine and exercise, please don't worry ." She said this with love and concern, and then sat down beside them. "Ohh mery Khudaya , how did you end up with a migraine? You must have been stressed about your papers, that's why this happened. But now that your exams are over, what's there to be worried about?" she asked this with great curiosity . "Don't worry, Mama, relax! You're overthinking things, I'm perfectly fine, and I don't have any tension. And besides, when have I ever taken tension, that I'll take it now?" She said this with a smile, trying to reassure her mother in a playful and confident tone .

Just then, Mr. Burhan received a call that required him to step out, and Mrs. Maliha drew Alaya close to her and said with love and affection, "Alaya, you know I've never taken tension for you because I knew you've been wise and patient since childhood. You've never troubled me and you've never thrown tantrums or been stubborn about anything. You've always been quiet and obedient. That's why I've always been more worried about the other three, as they've been troublemakers since childhood and still are." Hearing this, Alaya felt a deep sense of hurt and inadequacy, but she didn't let it show on her face. Instead, she smiled and looked at her mother, saying, " So, now also you don't have to worry about me ! I can handle my self ." The last words she spoke with a hint of pain, which only she understood.

The rest of the day was spent busy with work, as tomorrow was Laraib's wedding and everyone was tired , after eating and went to their rooms to sleep, as they had to wake up early the next day.
While everyone else was fast asleep in their rooms, Alaya's eyes were wide awake, and the reason was the conversation she had with her mother in this afternoon .

( But, Mama, how did you understand me so well ? That you give all your attention to the other three, and fulfill their every demand and desire. If they stubbornly insist on something, you give in to them, and you also take care of them. But where was I in all of this? What about me? Why didn't I get that care and attention ? Allah you have given me so much wisdom that I have learned to compromise, I have never been stubborn till now, and I have never given my parents a chance to complain about me. But, despite all this, my mother have not given me the attention that I needed the most, and still need till this day. I feel pain thinking that I didn't get attention like others. My heart is very weak, and I can't bear it .

Allah ! Please give me the courage to remain strong and never beg for sympathy or attention from anyone. And never let me fall prey to feelings of inadequacy. Oh Allah , Give peace to my heart and make me a brave person please . Her sighs turned into sobs, and she was crying so much that it became difficult for her to breathe. She started taking slow and deep breaths, and eventually, her breathing became normal again . After crying for a long time , she was finally overcome with deep sleep )

( Author's pov : Talk to Allah and share your feelings to lighten your heart, so that the burden on your heart is lifted and your tension decreases. He knows the condition of your hearts , but when we express our sorrows to Allah ourselves, we feel like our troubles have lessened. Make talking to Allah a part of your routine, because there is no one who listens better than Allah. It's better to share our sorrows with Allah first than people , because He is the one who turns our sorrows into happiness and never disappoints us. )

( Next day )
There was a lot of hustle and bustle at home, it was clear that this was a wedding household ! Everyone was busy with their own tasks, some were getting mehndi applied, others were engrossed in joyful celebrations, and the rest were busy with arrangements at the venue. "Mom i forgot to bring 'Gajry' and I also had to get a bouquet for Laraib Api . Now what do I do? Papa isn't home either, who can I turn to for help? " Alaya said, feeling tense and worried. "Then don't wear 'Gajry' , its not like you won't be allowed to enter your sister's wedding if you don't wear it. ," her mother said in a carefree tone. " mama , don't say like that , i have to wear it , please do something ! " she whines like a baby . " This girl !! wait a minute , i'll be right back , " she said and left from there.

After a few minutes she come and said " Alaya go and get ready quickly. " " Really !!! Who's going with me ? " she asked happily , getting up from her place , but mrs Maliha's next words froze her in her tracks , leaving her stuck in her place . " HAMDAN IS WAITING FOR YOU OUTSIDE IN THE CAR . "


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