PART 22 :

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The slap was so loud that everyone in the house rushed to the room, and what they saw was alarming. Alaya's face was red with anger, while Miraal's cheek was marked with the imprint of Alaya's fingers, swollen and red . When Miraal saw everyone staring at her, she burst into tears, wailing loudly, and buried her face in her hands. The atmosphere was tense, and everyone looked on with concern and shock .

Just then, Mrs. Maliha approached Alaya, her face stern with concern, and asked, " What's going on here, Alaya ? Tell me the truth, why did you slap Miraal ? " Alaya was speechless, her voice caught in her throat, as if someone had snatched it away. The words Miraal had spoken still lingered in her ears, taunting her, and she couldn't bear the thought of repeating them. How could she tolerate Miraal's audacity, her vicious accusations, and her attempts to tarnish her character ?

As Alaya was lost in thought, she felt a firm grip on her arm. She looked up to see her mother, Mrs. Maliha, gazing at her sternly. " I'm asking you, Alaya, did you slap Miraal? Answer me ! " Mrs. Maliha's voice was laced with anger. Meanwhile, Mrs. Ayzel was trying to calm down Miraal, who was still sobbing. Alaya began to explain, " Mom, she was saying terrible things about my character, I couldn't bear it..." But before she could finish, Mrs. Maliha's anger boiled over, and she raised her hand to strike Alaya. Just then, Mr. Burhaan intervened, holding Mrs. Maliha back and positioning himself between her and Alaya, his eyes fixed on Alaya with a mix of concern and understanding .

" Why are you stopping me? Look at the nonsense she's talking ! " Mrs. Maliha exclaimed, her anger evident. But then, she turned to Miraal and asked, her tone softening, " Miraal, beta, tell me, what happened ? " She asked with concern and affection, as if seeking the truth from Miraal's perspective .

Miraal, holding back her tears, said, " Aunty, I just came to congratulate her on her result, and I had no intention of fighting. But Alaya started saying bad things about me, and said that if I didn't stay away from Hamdan, something bad would happen to me. But when I refused, Alaya... ". Miraal's voice trailed off as she burst into tears again, and Mrs. Ayzel tried to comfort her, hugging her tightly. Meanwhile, Alaya's eyes widened in shock, " Mom, she's lying ! I didn't say anything like that, she's just trying to frame me ! " Alaya's face was pale, her voice shaking with anger and disbelief .

Everyone was shocked to hear Miraal's words, and Hamdan was especially stunned, never expecting Alaya to behave in such a manner again. He had thought that Alaya would never again try to harm Miraal, but now his heart was filled with anxiety, wanting to take Miraal away from there, far from Alaya's reach, to protect her from further harm. The atmosphere was tense, with everyone's eyes fixed on Alaya .

" You're still lying, and you had the audacity to slap her ! The mark on her cheek is proof enough! Don't dare deny it, Alaya ! " Mrs. Maliha scolded, her voice firm and angry. " Alaya , apologize to Miraal right now, and mean it ! " Alaya was taken aback, her eyes wide with shock, before she could say something her mother glare at her and as she stuttered, " S-s-sorry, Miraal..." before quickly fleeing the room, unable to control her emotions . Miraal's eyes gleamed with triumph, her victory evident in her gaze, as she watched Alaya's hasty retreat .

Hazel followed Alaya out of the room, while Mrs. Maliha embraced Miraal and begged for forgiveness on Alaya's behalf, " My child, please forgive Alaya, I apologize on her behalf." But Miraal quickly pulled away, her voice soft , " No, Aunty,don't do this you are making me embarrass by that , I've forgiven Alaya " The tension in the room eased slightly as mrs Ayzel's words prompted Hamdan to escort Miraal out of the house .

while the others remained in the lounge, discussing the incident. Mr. Burhan wondered aloud, " Alaya wouldn't have done something like this without a reason, there must be something more to it." But Mrs. Maliha shot back, her eyes fixed on her husband, " Are you kidding me ? You saw the mark on Miraal's cheek, and Alaya herself admitted to it ! What more proof do you need ? " Her tone was laced with disbelief and frustration .

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