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Previously on 'Beyond The Stars'.

Kamak sends a magic ball into the ground in front of (Y/N), suddenly a small explosion happeneds right in front of (Y/N)'s face sending him into the endless void of space.

Peach: (YYYY/NNNN)!!!


Bowser and Kamak: Hahahahahahahaha

Bowser: Now nothing can stop me now!

There was a sudden bright flash and Bowser, Mario, Peach even the castle was gone.

(Y/N) is seen floating through the void of space with Earth in the background going in and out of consciousness but slowly becoming unconscious as his eyes close the last thing he sees is a golden tail heading right towards him.


The star creature that once was in Princess Peach's arms is now looking at (Y/N)'s unconscious body.

????: Maybe you can help Mama.

The star creature takes (Y/N)'s unconscious away from Earth.....

*(Y/N) POV* 

I felt nothing since being blasted away by the magic koopas spell, but suddenly I felt something or someone shake my shoulder and boop my nose. I slowly open my eyes to see a star creature just floating above my face, I'm a little scared but mostly at curious about the creature in front of me. It had no mouth, 2 big black eyes with the light reflecting in them, the body was star shaped body and it seemed to be floating...

????: Good you're awake!

The creature talked in a slight echo and I swear it was talking to me in my head. As I was thinking this the creature flew around me multiple times going faster then I can turn my head and suddenly changing into a star like bunny rabbit.

 As I was thinking this the creature flew around me multiple times going faster then I can turn my head and suddenly changing into a star like bunny rabbit

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A/N: Replace Mario with (Y/N)

????: Lets play!

As the bunny hops away, I'm left confused what just happened.

(Y/N): Wait, I have questions!

The creature didn't respond.

Sighing, I look around and see that I am laying on a bed of flowers and get up on my feet.

(Y/N): Where am I anyway?

I look in the sky to see Earth not in sight and that I am on a small planet or moon with grass dirt and a stone structure around me.

I walk out around the moon to try and find the bunny creature to ask it for answers. I found it and asking me to "follow" in my head, with no other choice I follow the bunny and came across Two bunnies but with gold on the top part of their ears.

Beyond The Stars (Rosalina X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now