Fate Of The Universe

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(A/N: Cover art Pleionce-Art on Deviant art)

I began to open my eyes only to see a platinum blonde coloured blur but as my eyes adjusted and I saw it was Rosalina's hair and her face enveloped into my chest but a sad expression was on her face, she must be worried about my possible fight with Bowser.

I slipped out of her grip which wasn't easy and I managed to replace my body with a pillow for her to cuddle into. After changing into my clothes and putting my pyjamas away and finally putting my necklace on securely, after leaving a kiss on Rosalina's temple I left the bedroom and headed towards the kitchen, after saying "hi" to some passing Lumas I noticed Luigi was still asleep and he looked like he was enjoying his sleep.

Once I was finished with breakfast along with feeding the Lumas theirs to, I delivered breakfast to Luigi in the form of hash browns and bacon, one of his favourite foods. I delivered the Toad's breakfast that was a bunch of sausage sandwiches with ketchup. As for me and Rosalina, I made us plenty of toast for the both of us.

I entered the bedroom and saw Rosalina was close to waking up and it was good timing to. 

Rosalina: Ughh... (Y-Y/N), is that toast I smell?

(Y/N): Yep, I thought you would like some breakfast in bed.

Rosalina: Awww, your so sweet. What about the others?

(Y/N): I gave them their breakfast already.

Rosalina: And the kids?

(Y/N): I also fed them as well.

Rosalina: Thank you baby.

(Y/N): You're welcome honey.

We share a kiss and I put our food in my lap as I laid back in bed with her as she held me close and I did the same, occasionally we would share a slice of toast or tried to feed each other but we couldn't help but laugh at each others cuteness. I let Rosy have the last slice of toast like the gentleman I was, Rosalina used her magic to put on her dress while laying in bed and she turned on her side and placed her hand on my chest above my heart.

Rosalina: I had a bad dream.

(Y/N): Do you want to talk about it?

Rosalina: *sighs* I-I had a dream that you were beaten badly and Bowser boarded the observatory carrying your body an-and he ki- *sobs*.

I cuddled Rosalina to calm her down which seemed to work.

Rosalina: He killed you! *cries*

(Y/N): Shh, shh... Its ok Rosy, it was just a dream.

Rosalina: But what i-

I put my finger on her lips and she stops mid sentence and she lets a tear fall.

(Y/N): Rosy, listen to me... We will be fine, I defeated Bowser twice already I can do it a third time. Once everything is said and done, we can go off to different galaxies together and explore the cosmos. You're not going to lose me Rosy, I promise you.

I gave Rosalina a soft and passionate kiss and that calmed her down, our passionate kiss turned more heated with her arms wrapped around my neck and her hands in my hair and I put one left hand under her bang that covered her right eye and my other hand rested on her hip, we both closed our eyes and embraced each others love and after we showed our love to each other we laid back on the bed and soon slumber took over.

Luigi: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Mmmm....

Luigi (Y/N).

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