First Date

734 22 31

Power Stars: 22
Grand Stars: 3

*(Y/N) POV*

I began to open my eyes slowly and as I keep trying to open them I noticed Rosalina wasn't on my chest, she must have gotten up before I did question is where did she go?

My question was soon answered when I picked up the smell of something sweet coming from the kitchen almost like bacon. I got up and went to see what was going on inside the kitchen dome and when I got there I saw Rosalina cooking and the Lumas eating Star Bits.

Rosalina: (Y/N), glad to see you awake.

(Y/N): If I knew you were going to make breakfast I would have helped you cook.

Rosalina: I didn't want to wake you plus you look adorable while you're sleeping!

(Y/N): Hehe, what are you cooking?

Rosalina: Some bacon and pancakes with Star Bit dust.

(Y/N): Mmmm, that sounds amazing! And the Lumas are having Star Bits?

Rosalina: The Lumas can eat what we can but they mostly like Star Bits and you know that they need Star Bits to transform.

(Y/N): Are you almost done? Or do you need help?

Rosalina: I'm about done here with enough for me and you.

I opened up the cabinets and take out 2 plates for me and Rosalina as she grabs some paper towels to absorb the fat off the bacon. Just looking at the food was enough to make my mouth water and with Rosalina picking up the bacon and putting it on the same plate as the pancakes and placed the food down on the table with 2 empty seats. 

Rosalina: Sit with me (Y/N).

She said it in such a soft voice like I just got put under her spell but I'm not against that, all that I care about is her. I joined her at the table and grabbed a knife and fork that she must have put on the table before she started cooking.

(Y/N): Mmmm this is amazing Rosy!

Rosalina: Aww, thank you (Y/N)! How would you rate it?

(Y/N): Best breakfast I have ever had!

Rosalina gets out of her chair for a moment and kisses me on my right cheek and I instantly start blushing and Rosalina let out a giggle as she sat back on her seat and continued eating her breakfast.

(Y/N): What did Luigi need help with?

Rosalina: Well Luigi doesn't have the star power like you do so I helped him by shooting him out with a launch star.

(Y/N): Was he nervous?

Rosalina: Very.

(Y/N): Sounds like the Luigi I know. One time as kids we painted one of the Toad's head white and drew a Boo's face on it to prank him and he got so scared he wouldn't come out of his room for 3 days, I know it was mean but we were kids and the Toad was fine with it.

Rosalina: *giggles* Was he always scared of ghosts?

(Y/N): He was easily scared even when we were kids but he can be fearless, like when he had to save Mario and me from King Boo's grasp with nothing but a vacuum.

Rosalina: A vacuum? Really?

(Y/N): Yep, and also he had help with someone called Professor E. Gladd, I think that was his name was. Anyway when do you think Luigi will be back?

Then Rosalina had a shock look on her face almost like she forgot something.

(Y/N): Rosy? Something wrong?

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