The Hungry Luma

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*(Y/N) POV*

I held an ice pack Rosalina gave me to my right temple to help with my bruise while Rosalina took care of cleaning my wound on my right arm, my knees feel a lot better but I hope I don't need to do something like that again.

As Rosalina was cleaning my wound on my arm I couldn't help but admire her facial features.
Her long flowing platinum blonde hair along with her bang covering her right eye, her bright blue eye that can light up any dark room, her cute button nose, her star shaped ear rings attached to her ears and her chirpy lips, of course I couldn't forget her beautiful princess crown on the top of her head with 2 blue gems on the sides and 1 red gem in the front.

I could have admired her beauty forever but I was brought out of my thoughts by a sudden pain coming from my wound.

(Y/N): *grunts* ow.

Rosalina: Sorry (Y/N), but I did tell you it might hurt.

(Y/N): I know, it just caught me off guard as all.

Rosalina went back to cleaning my wound while I stared out into space, just looking at the stars gets me to relax. Rosalina finished cleaning my wound and wraps a bandage around my wound and secures it with some tape.

Rosalina: Your wound will be healed in a few hours, how is your bruise on your temple?

(Y/N): *puts some pressure where the pain was but felt nothing* All healed up!

Rosalina: And your knees?

(Y/N): Feel just like new but to be safe I won't do any sliding for a while.

Rosalina: That's great to hear!

Rosalina gets up from in front and she sits down next to me and joins me in staring off into space. Sensing her this close to me makes my heart beat so fast it might just fly out of my chest, just when my heart couldn't beat any faster Rosalina suddenly lays her head on my right shoulder. My whole body just froze as I make quick glances to make sure it wasn't my mind messing with me.

(Y/N): *thoughts* Is she really laying her head on my shoulder!? Just relax (Y/N) breathe in and out.

Rosalina: *thoughts* His shoulder is so comfy I could stay like this for the rest of my life!... Wait what am I doing!?

Rosalina lifts her head from my shoulder and turns her head away and fixes up her bang a little.

Rosalina: Ummm s-sorry (Y-Y/N), I don't know what went through my head to do that.

She said in such an innocent and guilty tone, one that I couldn't just ignore her not after what she did.

(Y/N): It's ok Rosalina. You can put your head back on my shoulder if you want.

She turns to face me and lets out a smile and I couldn't help but smile as well, she then takes off her crown and puts it in my lap as she lays her head on my shoulder getting comfortable as well, I couldn't help but pick up her crown in my hands and examine the craftsmanship.

(Y/N): This is a pretty crown you have here.

Rosalina: Thanks (Y/N). It was a gift from my Lumas.

(Y/N): Awww that's nice.

I start to admire the small gems on her crown, they were the most shiny and beautiful gems I have ever seen, the red and blue gems really fit into the crown nicely.

(Y/N): Rosalina. Can I ask you a question?

Rosalina: Sure (Y/N)! What is it? *she looks up at him waiting for his question*

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