Golden Leaf Galaxy

476 19 11

(A/N: This is a good music video)

*At the Centre of The Universe*

The fleet finally arrived at The Centre of The Universe and with the help of their last Grand Star, they managed to hollow out a star and to keep the star from reforming, the Grand Star was held in another one of those small planets similar to the ones that (Y/N) and Bowser have fought on.

While Bowser's minions are working on the ceremony for Bowser to create his own galaxy, Bowser himself was in the jail part of his ship trying to make Peach fall for him.

Bowser: We have arrived Peach hehehe... Soon you will rule by my side, isn't it exciting!?

Peach: No, you took me from my kingdom, almost killed my friend, put my people in danger and you expects me to rule with you?

Bowser: You will have no other choice since, hehehe (Y/N) isn't coming to help.

Mario: Didn't he beat you so bad that you couldn't stand for 3 hours... Twice.

Bowser: I wasn't talking to you!

Bowser goes to try and intimidate Mario by trying to scaring him but he ended up on one knee due to him still feeling the effects of his last battle with (Y/N).

Bowser: Grrr!

Mario: That looks like it hurts.

Bowser: KAMEK!

The Magikoopa flies into the jail on its broom not long after Bowser shouted.

Kamek: Y-yes sire?

Bowser: Shut this tiny plumber up and take them to Junior's new air ship, they will witness the creation of my new galaxy.

Kamek: Right away sir! 

The Magikoopa quickly teleported both of them onto Bowser Jr's new airship and the magic ropes that confined Mario pinned him against the railings at the back of the ship and Peach was left stuck on the airship as it observed the hollowed out star.

*Back at the Comet Observatory*
*(Y/N) POV*

I started to open my eyes and so did Rosalina, when we made eye contact our faces went bright red. I couldn't resist on how beautiful she looks even if we just woken up after how ever long we slept for.

Rosalina: Morning handsome. *giggles*

(Y/N): Good Morning beautiful.

We both shared a kiss before getting up and getting dressed for breakfast, I got my clothes on the normal way but Rosalina on the other hand used her magic to put on her dress and fixed up her hair. She gave me one last kiss on the cheek and headed to the kitchen to start breakfast.

Once I got my clothes on and put my necklace on and when I left the bedroom I picked up the smell of something cooking and saw a few Lumas pass by and they quickly say "Hi" to me and we both went to the kitchen.

Rosalina already fed the Lumas their breakfast and they all left to continue to do Luma things.

(Y/N): I see that you started without me.

Rosalina: Mhm, you were too slow.

She let out a giggle and I wouldn't let her get away with that.

(Y/N): Sorry that I can't use magic like you, if I did I would have done it.

I gave her a kiss on her head as she leans back slightly into my chest.

(Y/N): What are you making?

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