Storytime and Confession

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Soon all the Lumas were in the library and me and Rosalina were both sitting on rocking chairs, surprisingly they were really comfy and I couldn't help but rock back and forth slightly but I stopped when Rosalina was about to read the book that she picked out.

Rosalina: Let us begin. Ready (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Go ahead honey.

She blushes and opens her book with the Lumas floating in front of us, keen to listen.

Rosalina: The end.

All the Lumas wanted to know what happened next but they wouldn't ask since the "little girl" had a happy ending, hopefully her story can continue.

The Lumas all left the library and left me and Rosalina alone as she puts her book back where she found it.

(Y/N): That story was about you as a child wasn't it?

Rosalina: Yes... Yes it was, I don't tell the Lumas that it was me because I didn't want them to feel bad about me.

(Y/N): What was your family like?

Rosalina: I don't remember much about my family, my father liked to look out at the stars with his telescope and I would go with him up the hill to watch the stars with him and my mother would take me on picnics on that exact same hill even on windy days.

(Y/N): You mentioned you had a brother? What was he like? 

She began to sob quietly remembering the memories from a time long ago, almost like it was her past life. I took her hand in my own which calmed her down slightly.

Rosalina: I remember we would sled down the hill together letting out screams of joy and we he threw a snowball hitting me on the back, we would have a snowball fight and once we were done after that we would make snow angels.

She began to break down into tears with her letting out light sobs as I got up from my seat as she did the same and I let her cry into me as I hold her for comfort.

Rosalina: *sobs* I miss them so much. *cries*

(Y/N): I'm so sorry Rosy.

Rosalina: I-I don't even know if my father is still alive or even my brother. I-I...

She couldn't finish her sentence before giving into her emotions and letting her sadness and sorrow to get the better of her.

(Y/N): *whispers in her ear* Just let it out Rosy, I'm here for you.

Rosalina: But for how long!? I can't bear to lose you (Y/N)! I love you. I love you to the edge of the universe and back. *cries*

(Y/N): I love you to Rosy, not even Bowser can keep my love from you.

Rosalina: *sobs* Please don't leave me... I can't be alone again! *cries*

I let her cry out her emotions before I heard her cries dye down and I lift her head up by putting my finger under her chin, she makes eye contact with me and I could see her pleading emotion through her eyes like she would be utterly heartbroken even if I left the room. 

Me and Rosalina have formed such a strong bond that if it was ever broken... It would kill us both and I can't lose her to, I hope the others will see that... I can't go back to Earth, my place is here, my destiny is to be with her.

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