Battle Rock (Again)

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*(Y/N) POV*

After me and Rosalina relaxed with each other for a bit me and T Luma went back to the fountain dome and the Black Luma that helps me with locating different galaxies, just told me that another Power Star has been detected in 'Battlerock' galaxy. With no wasted time me and T Luma shot out going back to the same galaxy.

*Time skip 2.5 minutes*

'Breaking into the Battlerock'

Once we landed back on the familiar metal platforms only this time I noticed more domes that kept Star Bits inside them and a Launch Star, but there were no Bullet Bills around.

(Y/N): T Luma, can you locate where the Power Star is?

T Luma: I can try.

T Luma focuses on the Power Star's location and trying make (Y/N) see where it is which after a moment (Y/N) saw a glowing golden light coming from what looks like metal frames with grating on them surrounding the Power Star like it has its own gravitational field.

T Luma focuses on the Power Star's location and trying make (Y/N) see where it is which after a moment (Y/N) saw a glowing golden light coming from what looks like metal frames with grating on them surrounding the Power Star like it has its own gr...

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(A/N: Again sorry for bad quality this was taken on my phone while I was on my Switch and also imagine the star is golden and not see through.)

(Y/N): I can see the Power Star! It seems to be in the centre of those metal frames but the metal frames are not floating into space.

T Luma: I forgot to tell you that us Lumas fully grown and transform we can also become Power Stars.

(A/N: I did forget that Rosalina said this in the game but now I am adding it in.)

(Y/N): Wow! So you can transform into anything space related?

T Luma: Pretty much.

(Y/N): If Lumas transform into Power Stars, then do they have their own gravitation field? How else can those metal panels be staying in place like that?

(A/N: Sorry for interrupting so many times but (Y/N) does have a point but for the sake of the story I'll make the Lumas to have their own gravity but only when they want to, since you know they can transform into planets.)

T Luma: You're a smart one (Y/N)! We do have our own gravity field but we only use it when we need to because if we use it in the Comet Observatory it can be bad.

(Y/N): How bad?

T Luma: Very bad.

(Y/N): Good to know, now lets get that Power Star!

As I made the jump to the other platform and found a Bob-omb but this one had no legs or a winder on its back and the fuse wasn't lit.

(Y/N): Huh. an inactive Bob-omb.

T Luma: You came across these in your adventures?

(Y/N): Yep, but they would have legs and a winding mechanism on the back and when they got close to you they would ignite their fuse.

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